
::Official Name:: Khaydarin Khioneus Valanazes
::Species, Demi-human:: Kitsune
:Physcological Age:: 25
::Physical Age:: Ageless
::Height:: 10'3 from the top of the head; 11'3 even from the tips of the ears
::Gender:: Female
::Build:: 220 giain pounds, Extremely Athletic
::Physical Features::
Pure white hair, about 4 feet long with the last foot of length turning a beautiful pink
11 extremely floofy, soft tails. Each 14 feet in length with the same coloration as her hair.
After careful examination, her arms are shown to actually be made of hardened, yet pliable gems which she manipulates through her magic. Her back, though normally covered, is also scarred from sharp whippings and beatings in childhood.

::Skin Coloration::

::Eye Coloration::
... Royal Purple eye and Golden left right eye. Like her mother, Khaydarin's Golden eye can shift in to a natural kitsune red eye when endanger or when angry enough

White Kitomo with pink trim and scalemail woven under the robes


::Magical Abilities::
>Master Level Skills
>Adept Level Skills
>Lesser Level Skills

::Occupation:: Runepriest + Witch

::An Odd Explanation:: Khioneus (Snow Dragon) is a Pterian Quadriped (wings, four legs). The Snow Dragon, as it's called most of the time, is a peaceful, elusive creature. It lives in the cold North but comes out primarily in a soft snowing. It symbolizes silence and stillness, -Lelith Explaining how she sees her daughter

…Khaydarin's savour from death. After many years living with Lylith and learning to be like a kitsune, how to be loving and caring, She become one. Doing so making Lylith her mother.

::Caretaker of the Derg::
::Shrine Protecters:
TheUltimateChimera - Walking upon her shine, Khaydarin made a offering to the mindless beast. It accepting and right out enjoying what she offered, It now explores her shrine happily with some sence of freedom from its mindless task

::Close Friends:
…After a really good transform roleplay, Khay sees Beth as a close friend to her.

Magic: Like most Kitsune, they have the utmost natural ability of Illusion, though she also has some natural ties to Lighting and Ice magic With a few other forms of magic at her ready!
…Ice and Lighting: Thanks to Khay's grim start to life, She has a close link to Lighting and Ice magic. Being killed by lighting as a small child, It gifted her the ability and understanding of how the power of lighting works. For Ice, From the teaching of Lelith She was able to learn Ice magic too. Being about to turn a summers day to a winters bite in seconds! Many years of teaching and training with type time makes her a master in both forms of magic.

…Crystal Magic: Loosing both of her arms to the lighting-port that sent her to Lelith's realm. Khaydarin became armless. With no arms she learned how hard it was to do normal tasks like reading and getting dressed. One day she found a spell book from her mother's bookshelf that hinted at the possibility to return her arms. With a deep explaining of what could go wrong, Khay seemed more then willing to try it. Though the arms she has now are made out of gems. They are a part of her like if they were her true arms. Over the many years of training and control over the gem-arms She learnt how to cast magic through them and to use magic to damage her foes.

…Shadow Magic: Having to relay on her shadow to aid her when Khaydarin didn't have arms, Khaydarin has learned to give into her shadow to get away or to look younger to confuse her foes.

...Auras: The number of auras and effects some types of magic that trys to harm or affect Khaydarin is odd.
Fire tends to turn some-what... Arctic being the oppsit of fire all together!
Ice teeming with energies that Khaydarin knows how to twist to her wishs by controling and detempureing it to unsafe levels still scares me of how cold she can truy go.
Will have to test other types of magic on her when next meet

...Spells: Most of Khaydarin's magical perowess is anything short of god-tire magic. My tests with cold magic on the kitsune seems to do well nothing! Doesn't slow, chill or freeze her in extreme colds further testing shows that she can bend the will of cold or ice magic to her will no matter who the caster seems to be,
My older sister had a harder time trying to keep the cold magic just going in the right way alone then just focusing deeply on it.
Other magic types like Nethermancy as explain to me as fear magic. Uses a beautiful form of twisted gray magic that targets a foes weaknesses and uses them to her advantage, One test I had conducted on a late warrior in my study halls for the kitsune seem't to twist old wounds to bleed like they were freshly cut. Tho the damage was real at some points the poor warrior was able to shake off some of the darker affects of the spells like Weaking and adding Hindrance to he's overall combat fatigue

...Her Eyes: Never have i been so stupid in my life! I never took the time to study Khaydarin's eyes and how they well... See things! Khaydarin doesn't normally see throw both eyes like we all do seeing colour and so on. In her purple eye she see's completely in greyscale that... I pity her for.. If she reads this i'm dead but god damn it, I'm not going to let one kitsune deity stop me from my studies. Her gold eye seems to view the world in heat but not like true thermal vision, Its more like an outside of the being the heat they make leaving there body,

... Test 1:: I put a few heat related items into a 100m2. It took her little to no time at all to point out and tell me what the items where. So i made the test a little harder by adding more heat to the room but doesn't seem like the heat alone was making it harder for her to see. Its like the items themselves give off a weak aura and not a colour aray of well.. heat related colours.

...Tail Powers
1::Natural magic gifted from Lelith; Pryomancy and Restoration Magic, Khaydarin learned some of her own magic, Cryomancy and Nethermancy and Crystal Magic.
2:: Forging Spark and Enchanting Thought Under taking many types of magic and forging under her nonexistent belt, Khaydarin became gifted with the choice of magic she has and her forging being mostly beyond most types of smiths try and rarely get too
3:: Iron Tails …Enfusing her tails with metal iron, Khaydarin's tails now have the hardness of iron. She can also swing her tails around like a maul, Knocking anyone she hits with greater force the used.
4:: Mastery in Magic, Smithing, Forging, Enchanting. - After turning 400, Khaydarin went thought a learning phase in her life, Undertaking the knowledge to master what she already learnt under herself.
5:: Winter Born …Khaydarin cannot feel the cold at all. Tho her body is unnaturally cold with good control over the coldness she lets ecsape her body.
6:: Sszerazsha’s Ironwood Rose …Having a Ironwood rose on the left side of her skull, Khaydarin has the ability to call upon Sszerazsha, an elemental beast, whom they will bond with. If Khaydarin is slain, they will return from the beast's chest. Reforming from nature itself.
7:: Precognition Senses …Spending so much time with Sszerazsha has paid off for Khaydarin. With her new found ability, She can see hear and sense things happening before they start. Though she doesn't rely on these abilities, it doesn't mean she won't use them if needed.
8:: Realm Shift "No colour, Sound Or Will stands in a frozen and unforcing time like forzen time"
....Her time away from the world studying types of magic and her normality to most types of magic. Khaydarin took it upon herself to learn about time and how to twist it slightly. Having immunity to time related powers speeding up or slowing down she wakes in a world unaffected by the evils of time.
9:: Deity of Winter.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Switch
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can't do it self.
Breast Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike If its needed
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Mostly Absorption
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Preferred.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not too rough. Pain is good but too much can kill a rp.
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike +4 feet to +20 feet, Any beyond is a hard no
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Let me come to you.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yush! You cute little fuzzy!
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm up up to get down <3
Vore game Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Perfered