
ANNOUNCEMENT: Okay, this is becoming a pet peeve of mine. If you approach me asking for an RP, and I check out your profile, and you absolutely refuse to be pred (as in no say in the matter, you're always prey (I'll assume as much if you don't have an 'As Pred' tab)), I will not RP with you unless you do pred with me first. Seriously, get out there and try being pred! You might like it!

Hey, guys and people who want to eat or be eaten!

I'm kind of new to this crowd, so go a bit easy on me.

I'm a puffball (think species of Kirby) that's green. That's basically it. No special powers. I can't even use the Copy Ability. That's Kirby's thing. Not mine. I sharp wit, I guess.

I'm an intern for some company I can't remember the name of. They grant wishes and stuff. I'm sort of okay at it, I guess. Not employee of the month.

...wait. Actually I am always employee of the month because I'm the only freaking employee.

So anyways. I grant wishes. And that means I have basic magical powers. If I'm in a position OF power. I can (try to) make your dreams come true. But I can't make mine. I'm totally fine with that - come to terms with it and all. But that basically means I can't use magic for myself. Like, at all. And that totally sucks.

Disclaimer: I reserve the right to call you 'weirdo' based on your wishes.



11/04/15: Okay. So I just found out that I'm in this place called Nexus Park and I'm stuck here forever. Like...forever forever. That...royally sucks. And it's raining. Freaking great. I had to sleep with a stranger tonight. Nice enough guy, but...with the crisis thing, it was a little awkward.

11/05/15: Well, things are looking up. Sort of. I opened up a wish-granting booth, and business is going...slow. But my first customer actually offered me a place to stay. So if it rains tonight, I'll have a roof over my head. That's good. That's really good. So thanks, AuraPyroYoshi. You're quite literally a lifesaver.

11/11/15: ...Things are getting worse. I haven't had a customer in six days. Not a single one. You'd think wishes are something highly sought after in this dog-eat-dog (heh) world. But no. Averyone is one hundred percent happy with their life. What complete and utter crap. Either that or I have the worst luck in the world. If I don't get something today, I'm gonna freak.


Here are my alts!
Coro A cocky young Riolu who is a lot weaker than he says he is.
Fairly A pleasant Ampharos who is trying her hardest to hide a past career of adult entertainment.
Wallop A rather innocent Wynaut with a penchant for getting himself lost.
Lightly Fairly's sister, a Mareep. Prude and upright. But don't get her angry.

And a more detailed look at my preferences. Go here please!
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do enjoy being prey a little more, but hey, I can be pred anytime!
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't like hard. Sorry, guys. Blood isn't my thing.
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure, for realism. But I won't go gory.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's a character by character basis.
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Never actually tried this yet.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Suggest something!
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Character by character, again.
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^^^
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe every once in a while.
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike YES. PLEASE.
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm getting used to this.
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm alright with any partner!
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can't post that long. Two or three lines. I believe that it's the content that matters. So don't feel pressured!
Shrinking Always/Love
Entrapment Always/Love
Never/Dislike Being trapped or otherwise unable to escape. In jars, boxes, pockets, fists, bottles, overturned wine glasses, whatever.
Cute Vs. Sexy Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like cute preds more than sexy preds when it comes to demis or humans. For everything else, it should be okay. Ask first if you aren't sure.
Fluff Always/Love
Never/Dislike ...Fluff.
Teasing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Kind of self explanatory, don'tcha think?
Petplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Absolutely. LOVE this. Especially combined with Macro/Micro.
Crushplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike In otherwords, buttcrush and pawplay. I wanted a blanket term to put here instead of two sliders for pawplay and buttcrush by themselves.