![]() | - Profile is be by no means worksafe. - While Mally is Female, Profile contains pictures of her as Futa. Unless your a friend, or a Vore room RP is getting serious; talk to me in public. |
Stats Base stats: Given Name: Malerious Choosen Name: Mally Gender: Female (technicaly a Herm, But Female Mannerisms and considers self Female) Race(Look): Human or Demon, Succubus Race(True): Fallen Angel, Girgori Titles: The Queen Mistress, The Succubus God, The God Eater. Age: Unknown, Looks around 18. Ht: 5'8 (norm) Wt: 120 (norm) Eyes: Baby Blue Natural Hair Color: Blond Sexual Orientation: Girls, Futa. Men transformed into Girls or Futa. Vore Orientation: Tri, once again Men are usaly temporarly transformed in Girls or futa. Number of Wings: 6 Shoulder Wing span:3ft Hip Wing span: 12ft Back Wing span: 80ft (not shown in Portrait) Tail Length: about 5 feet | |
Current dress: Mally, when not naked or endowed in her demonic attire, or Pizza girl outfit; is almost always endowed in some form of school uniform. She even wears them when attending public schools with no dress code. Main: - Extra: - |
- Mally is often acciently summoned by Mages attempting to summon lesser demons, and likes to pretend they can control her actions even though they can not. - Mally is eternaly posing as high school and/or colldege student so as to easy access to meals. She can more often than not be found in this enviroment. |
-- Physical diet: Meat -- Empathic diet: Pleasure, Pain, Shame, Fear. this is done either by directly opening her sences to intake it whilst one is near experiancing said feeling; or via crystalizing the emotions into marbles to be consumed later at once. -- Spiritual diet: Souls (Rarly, and only upon request) |
Here are some, But not all of her sexual based powers. -- Unwavering Sexual Fortitude Mally has a unquenchable sexual appetite and in nigh impossible to completely sadifie in bed. Even Fellow Succubi evenualy pass out from exhaustion when bedding with her. -- Desire scan this ability is a form of telepathy that probes the targets minds revieling to her there deepest sexual desires, these do not need to be surface thoughts, they are are nearly everything the character desires in terms of sexual likes and dislikes. -- Now, this can be 2 ways. either I can use the power and you can explain your characters desire threw the RP; Or we can pause and do A little OOC pow wow so you can tell me what your character desires. this character works best if the prey character and its player share the same fetishs and kinks. Also, dont be shy to input like/dislikes on the fly in OOC whispers. -- Gender transformation This is a fav of hers when devouring male prey, and in that senerio, she will nearly always transform her victum into a female befor any sexual acts take place, and loves to tease and humilate them while she yiffs them silly. If your character is male and you are not comfortable with that senerio, this character is not one you wish to interact with. Normaly the effects are temporary lasting for only a couple days. However, it can last longer, or even become permenate if she wishes (permenate transformations done by request only). -- polymorphic tail/wings (tentacles) Rar! tentacles and stuff! and she loves to use them. Mally has a grand total of six wings. 2 small wings that protrude from the shoulder, 2 larger wings that protrude from her hips, and the largerest set of 2 that come forth from her middle back. The largestest of her wings are rarly seen in there true form; and are more likly than not used as the mass to contruct her legion of tentacles. -- Futa growth Can grow a Large, phalic growths from her neather area. They unmistakably penises, However they very large and looks rather demonic in nature. Most of the time, she grows 2 at a time like in the picture to the right. ((ooc note, Futa growth ability may not be used by Mally when playing with those not comfortable with it. if so, Please state somthing befor RP begins so we can discuss.)) -- Multiple sexual organs Though she usaly only grows 2 of the above meantioned organs at a time. In truth she has a grand total of 9 shafts. This only contining her phallic type sexual organs, and not her slits inwhich there are also 9. Though these Can all be summoned from her body at once; however, most of the time they are held in a extra dimenional viod of her etra organs and she simple rotates which ones she uses and protrudes them from the same spot(s) within the physical realm (Ie her body). These 18 sexual organs are not linked, sadifiing one, merely sadisfies 1 of the 18, and only one of each gender type is capible of reprodution(Ie one Slit leads her to being pregnant, and only one shaft can inpregnate). -- Pleasure goop The sexual juices of Mallys body are accuily a strange substance that is absorbed by any part of anyones elses body it touchs a Slowly increases the intake pleassure reseptors upon that section of there body. Note that this increases sensativity of the effected area, not Arousal. | ![]() |
Here are some, but not all of her other powers. -- Altering touch: Mally can alter ones Biology Via touch. -- Telepathy: Can forcast thoughts of her own into others heads as well as read unprotected surface thoughts. She can also delve deeper into ones mind with some effort. -- Phaze: Mally can pass some, or all of her body threw most solid mass, with the exception of pure iron. -- Flight: Can levitate or flight threw her magics. She rarly flaps her wings when doing so, but does use them to make sharp turns and to slow her speed. -- Teleport: Can teleport herself and anything she touchs within a set range. -- Evoke Eletricity: Can summon forth a controled burst of eletricity from any part of her body. More Often than not her hands. -- Sound-Proof Field: Can summon and seal an area so as to not allow any sound to enter or escape. |
Gah_Tersala - Mally's loyal and Most favored Helhound((Played by Same player)) Cowdemoness_Asukae DogKnight_Banana |
Anya_Ikari- A catgirl Mally happened upon in her Fallen grigori form and Reluctantly sparred from damnation in her realm in exchange for submission. She was then Given to Gah_Tersala and made her plaything. Ilina_Cerin- Asukae- A girl Mally met while hiking in the forest that she..umm *seduced*...sorta. Mally has taken a shine to her and has taken her in a Slave. Serathriel- an angel from Mally's past who she took in to be one of her personal Harem girls. Since then, Sera, threw some strange Twist of fate, was made Demonic, and is now one of the stronger Demon's within the Harem. |
Reginald-(ongoing RP) Jessy- (Jessyandfriends) after Jessy attempted to confert Mally into a statue, Mally overpowered her, transformed her into a Dog girl hybrid, and damned her soul to her realm. Forever servicing the Helhounds within her Kennels. |
Kelrock Damned for a set ammount of time and then released. Apparently Mally has other plans for him. Mally then reencountered the incubus when they both sought after the same prey and after revieling to Kelrock the preys intentions, she Offered the icubus the position of being owned by her. He has not acceted the offer, But rightfuly Fears what will happen if he doesnt. Shadow - A submissive Foxdragon that Mally met in the part and tortured..in all the right ways of course.^^ Mally currently Has dirt on him and is Blackmailing him. Rayne - A fellow Succubi that mally met in the park. Mally was looking for fun and Rayne was loney. and being succubi, they new exactly how to keep each other entertained. Tammy_Jart - A cute Girl Mally met soon after her encounter with Ranye. The demoness used her as an object of pleasure. SluttyKelly - A Fox Girl Mally played with, Brining forth from her and Animalistic Side she never knew. Syracuse - A Rogue Mally Seduced and Later 'Played with'. Befor Leaving him to His own devices she put a strange Marking on his Soul, the Effect of this is unknown to him at this time. |
Wanda |
Reginald - Pri - (Paused) Kati - Pri Kelrock - Pri The_French_Girl - Pri - At pause point. | Player of Reiko_Productions Player of Chiu_Neska |
This Character's Backstory is based upon Biblical Texts Ive managed to Research. Character is obviously Not present in any Biblical Text. Im Not here To offend anyones Religionous Believes... With that said, it is a tool for me, Not a crutch. I will Happily play with creatures that do not fit into her Backstory what so ever. Such as Furrs or Elves, or any number of creatures that are not mentioned within biblical Text. The plotholes that would form just wont be focused on as much as character interaction.
- I prefer Humanish partners, but will also play with furs. - I Will play with females, males, and herms. However Males are most always turned into females. Herms are done via case by case basis. - I don't mind at all just yiffing. In fact somtimes I prefer it. - I Like the idea of Mally gaining friends unrelated to yiff/vore despite the fact that that goes against her very nature. Since that could make future Rps that do involve these things carrie more wieght. - I suggest not worrying about matching Mallys climax with your characters own and just doing it whenever you feel your character has reached there limit. I like having Mallys victims/partners climaxing several times befor she gets one off. As well as the fact that Mally is never anywhere near sadified by the time that her partner/victum is passing out from exhaustion. Thats just how she rolls. B) |
Sex: She is a succubus, and all that intails. I Could try to not screw your characters brains out while feeding, however... she is a succubus. ^^ as for general things about having sex with her, she is extremely domanering in bed and loves to push her victums/partners to there sexual limit and beyond. Nothing Pleases her more than having her partner having the best sex of there life.. this in her perseption, gives her control over them. With that fact in mind, she rarly allows others to please her unless she feels they have earned it. Pleasing others is simply feeding to her, others pleasing her is an act of affection. Also note that if she does feel affection for somone, she doesnt mind playing the role as the submissive. Though it is a rarity. - When Mally is not feeding and is simply conversing with others, there is a possibility for no sex. Mally Raping Another: Provided her scanning ability shows the character has a deep seeded desire to be taken, Mally will happily oblidge, and enjoy it! She loves to take the dark desires of others they would never admit and exploit them to there fullest. teasing them all the while. -- This does not mean that she only rapes if the deep desire is there, since she feeds off Pain, pleasure, shame, and fear, she somtimes Rapes simply to feed, however, she usaly like to make her victums love it. Mally Recieving Soft Rape (Female): maybe Mally recieving Hard Rape (Female): maybe being Raped (Male): Hell no. |
its more likly then Not that not all of these things will come into play, I try to figure out what I think my partner likes. PLease not that I did warn you ahead of time that this is a strongly Yiff based character. ![]() Cuteness --Hugging, Cuddling, Snuggling --Playful Kissing --Massages --Friend relations that lead to Crazy hawt yiffyness --Intamacy being Dominate --Slave/pet play --Force --Bullying --Breaking Will Tentacles --Double pentration -- triple pentration -- as High as I can count pentration --combining tentacles with other kinds. --Using as restraints. Yiffing --Insaine Yiffing, doing crazy ammounts of differant things flowing together. --increasing ones outputs so as to have them be in a state inwhich they cannot fight off the increase ammount of pleasure they recieve from a sexual activiy. --Increasing ones sesativity far beyound that so as to make them orgasum at small, insignificant actions. -- yiffing till other party passes out. -- Yiffing other party to death. Usaly via heart attack or burning out there brain from the intence over stimulation rather then exploding there stomaches with cum. -- Orgasum denial -- Orgasum control -- Partner orgasuming many times befor/in relation to Mallys own. -- Giving partner Endless Orgasums. -- Large pentration -- Force -- Seduction Teasing -- about fate -- about character (such as them enjoying being raped or alike) Soft Vore - Oral-UB-Anal-Wing-tail- and soul (soul With permission only.. I reseve the right to refuse once it comes down to the final vore and go with somthing else If I feel Mally would do so). Milking -- Laction -- Endless lactaion Humilation/Degration --Beastiality (prefer unwilling)(will ask first) --Yiffing in public/with audience (prefer unwilling) --Video Recording --Blackmailing --Treating Girls as animals, espiecaily dogs --Treating transformed males as girls, comparing them to girls. Saying thier better or more fit to be girls. Transformation/Alteration -- Transforming males to females temporaryly so as to play. -- Transforming males into females Permenatly. ((request only.. I Doubt I will ask anyone to do this,OOC it would just seem like bad taste to ask somone to do this, with the acception of having many plays together. You will have to ask me.)) -- Transforming Others into Dogs/Hellhounds. Weather temporayly, permenatly, Or giving them the ability to shift between. -- Altering biology to produce more liquid for a body part. I.e. Hyper producing Cum or milk so it is impossible for the other party to run out. -- Forced Corruption, Transforming Others into obient Demons Via a forced sexual act. Usally Overly 'Anti demonic' types. -- Seduced Corruption, Seducing those to Willing go under the Above act. Micros/macros -- Shrinking others down. -- Growing herself or others. Either just a bit so as to make herself twice as tall and more entimdating, or extremely large on a rarity. -- Being a rampaging giantess every so often. -- Foot play -- Tongue play -- Smothering -- Crushing Other -- Damning people to her realm -- Draining Power/Knowledge/Skill From Extrordinary Victim. Leaving them Weaker/ More oridnary. -- Using other party for all thier worth befor leaving them in a paralious/embaressing situation. Such as leaving them tied up in a public bathroom. -- enternal or prolonged digestion. -- Strange, not so 'fatal', yet still very much 'game-over' fatality endings in non-reforming RPs. |
Hardvore: Extremely unlikely, Will not gear toward it. Softvore: Nearly always. Willing Prey: Yes, strong preferance toward Reluctance in the willing; as Well as Seduction as a means of getting it. Unwilling Prey: Yes,love the struggling. Digestion: Yes Most likely, either that or held in stomach and yiffed silly by tentrils for a long period of time. possibly both. Pain/rough: Mally uses her desire scan to lean more toward what her partner/victum desires. (by your pref) However, She does have a habbit of shifting between the 2. Oral Vore: yes <3<3<3 Unbirth: yes <3<3<3 Cock Vore: No, Hell no, Never. Anal Vore: yes<3<3<3 Tailvore: yes <3 Soul Vore: yes <3<3<3 (Not if player has problem with it) Vampirism: Meh, somtimes. Wing Vore: yes Reformation: Somtimes she reforms her victums, it all depends on how much she likes you. |
As Pred
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Threw the act of claiming the immortal soul via another Vore act. |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Quick Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Breaking 4th Wall | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Staying In Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Multi-Session | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Please try to refrain from whispering me with to much Small talk. Be aware I much more likely to continue an RP with some one than start a new one. |
Public | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Private | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |