Naporiel is a girl who was born into a noble family, who all were in the royal guard. she was born just as a frail little girl, who wanted nothing but to play with the other children and wear dresses, as in, be a simple lady, but her father would not have it, he immediately sent her off to train as a knight. There she spent many months training in the art of sword craft, and being taught all that gibberish about being a Knight. She eventually became a rather skilled one, she may look frail, but she has power underneath that soft exterior. From all this tutoring and training she got, she never really managed to have any social interactions, she always tended to fantasize about boys, and playing with other children, actually making friends, but was never able too...so, she's rather socially awkward, on not having been around 'normal' people for most of her life, and she honestly wished she didn't have to wear armor all the time, she'd prefer to be in her dress or regular clothes, and not show her warrior side off at all. but it was rather melded into her by now, and she had this 'tough' talk, she talked like her father sometimes, and she didn't mean too. once she came back she was immediately enlisted into the Royal guard, not even a second glance from her father, now she spends immensely boring hours at the front gate of the castle, hoping for some excitement....
Naporiel's body:
Age: 19
Personality: Tsunderish, shy (sometimes, fairly rare), ambitous, dutiful, headstrong, tomboyish and impuslive.
Skin color: Pale
Body Type: Athletic, Toned, has some muscle definition on arms,legs, and stomach. (some faint abs)
Hair: Red
Eyes: Ruby
Height: 5'4
Weight: "Mother says Ladies shouldn't answer such a question!"
Bust: 36C (24B when wearing armor.)
Hair Length: Down to knees (its why she wears a ponytail) or sometimes, she lets it loose if she's supposed to appear somewhere.
Attire: Armor, Dress without
Sexual orientation: Straight (really curious though-she'le deny it.)
the drill captain's eyebrow twitched as the maiden continued with her meek banter "bu-but I... er..." "WHAT? Pick up the sword, you are a royal guard right? I can't teach you anything if you don't-this is bullshit, if it weren't for your dad sticking you here we wouldn't have to go through this, but he's the royal guard captain so much to the chagrin of both of us, you'll have to pick up the
goddamn sword!!!" Naporiel shrinks together, close to tears as she shakily picks up the sword and points it at the drill captain with outstretched arms, shivering as she looked away "Alright recruits, this is how you to a basic disarming move" The drill captain walks up to Naporiel, who shuffles backwards slightly ", remember to have your weapon gripped firmly" he places his sword to cross Naporiel's, the latter almost sinking to her knees just from hearing the blades touch "Now, with your wrists you-" "HIIIIIIEEEEE!!!" the drill captain was about to slowly demonstrate the move when all of a sudden, Naporiel shrieked in a loud sob as she seemingly passed him in a flash, the sound of steel clashing as the blade of the captain's sword is cleanly cut off, his clothes torn to shreds but without a single scratch on his flesh "
Don't woog ab be! Don'b book ab be~!" Naporiel cried, snot running down her nose as she stood in a perfect stance, but immediately sunk to her knees and cradled herself up into a fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably
Naporiel never really wanted to be a warrior, she was sorta forced into it, but adapted quickly, she impressed many, but her social life crumbled, she had no friends, and had no idea how to make any.
The knave stumbled over on his bottom, intent on scurrying back to his feet when the blade of Naporiel's sword was already at his throat "O-okay! I give!" "She won again?" "That... that's supposed to be a girl? She's a monster!" Though she's show no emotion, the words stung in her heart... 'monster', 'freak girl', 'she-wolf', she hadn't a bit lady in her behavior, she constantly felt unladylike compared to the girls and assumed all the boys simply feared her, nothing else. The thought pained, but she could only drown it in training, more training, her entire life was nothing but training. "N-Naporiel?" A meek young boy came up to her, his tender rosy face and petite stature instantly struck Naporiel's fancy like many a young lad... that she wouldn't dare to approach. Naporiel was nervous, rooted to hr place and entirely dumbfounded, not even remembering to greet "Y...you're really good." A compliment! Naporiel's face blushed red like a tomato "E-eh?!" the boy staggered back "No-I'm sorry I meant really incredibly remarkably good oh great Naporiel! I didn't mean to-I... I was just thinking you could... teach me and" Teach him? Naporiel's mind went into a vivid dream where she held the boy's hands from behind, her arms slung around him as she guided his sword, their bodies touched, she'd smell his hair she'd-"I'm sorry!!!" The boy leapt to the ground, groveling as he saw Naporiel stare at him intently with a red face, one he thought was of anger as her demeanor would remain tense and uptight despite her mood being entirely different! This wasn't going where she wanted at all! "You!" she bellowed... bellowed? She would talk like her father "What the hell do you think you're doing there on the floor you-" she wanted to tell him to get up! But her words sounded completely wrong! what to do? Naporiel wanted to train with him, she wanted time with that boy, she wanted to smell his hair... she raised her sword, intent on showing him a sword move, after all showing would be good if she couldn't talk well, right? "Naporiel! Cut it out!" the boy turned pale and fell over unconscious as her other classmates arrived as a handsome, strapping young boy threw himself in front of her, she had had a crush on this one for a while now... "Oh my god, that girl-beast was going to kill tom wantonly" "Seriously, what is wrong with that monster!" the crowd was getting all riled up "Naporiel, I've always respected you, but... you shouldn't bully the weak." the boy said, before carrying the unconscious one off as the crowd would hurry away from her... Naporiel stood there alone, innerly devastated again as all her dreams of having friends crumbled to dust around her... there was only training, training would remain her only balsam as usual, it never left her. And so she trained on.
This is how bad her social awkwardness became, she began hardened in her personality a bit, only if she was doing anything related to training however, usually she tries to be nice, and gentle..but its hard for her. ((also thanks to the friend who helped me with the story things.))
This char is mostly meant for none-vore serious play/relationship building/storyline/etc, as she is tied with a few other of my characters and things-while she is vore capable, its not known, and she very likely isn't going to do it and think anyone who'd suggest such a thing to be out of their flipping mind. Player likes most things, so feel free to poke. also, available for vorish RP's, but as the case is she's not likely to pred at all.
Alt of
Interests as of late: Dragons, perverted jerkish princes, haughty princesses demanding ludicrous things. Stuff along those sorts with sexual or vorish undertones, with buildup in between, flexible though, so if you have your own idea come at me.
Naporiel without her armor on and her hair down. not necessarily that outfit, she wears a dress.