(It's All quiet around here! Please Approach me! Hhehe..Christ my profile is a mess) Current mood: Prey, So Much Prey.. I want to be in a belly so friggin bad right now
Current Favourite song:
(Please read through this profile before approaching me, I am not a fan of reminding people of what i like. But also, I am very friendly, Hit me up! Also...if i reject you, Don't turn psycho..Just move on)
You've reached Demo's Profile/Alt list (He's a character himself too) ...Lucky you...
Current affairs -----> I have a NEW FEMALE ALT! Check her out on the alt list <-----
= Living inside the belly of Aqua_Marina as her "Baby"
=Currently running the Sui_Fan_Club (A private rp alt for me and Sui)
"But Demo, Don't you have about a million alt's already?" - Everyone.
Why yes, I do, Lots of them.
I have probably been irritating my friends at how much i have been alt hopping, Most of you will know me recently as Jjira But that is a private alt for Primal_Velvet . No No, This will be the Alt i am sticking to from here on out. Why? Because all those other alts have been getting me little attention to the kind of stuff i truly want.
-One of my biggest annoyances is when someone approaches me saying "Oh Hey i really like your profile Bla Bla Bla and then once i chase them up (On the incident they have to leave) Never say anything at all. If you want to rp with me, Stick with it. For the love of F**k Sake. -
-Read my Bloody Kinks list and such, I wrote it for a reason, Don't approach me saying "Oh i really like the same stuff you do" and then when i look at your character (Which i will) It's all furries and stuff, It says i don't like them, So, I..DON'T LIKE THEM!-
-It's understandable for those whom have difficulty with spelling/Grammer, From "Personal difficulties", I know what it's like to try and be coherent. HOWEVER Please put some effort into it, I enjoy myself a literate Rper, If you're a Mr/Mrs ONE LINE Larry, Then you can Kindly leave me alone. I appreciate 3 lines as a Minimum, BUT not your constant. K? Thanks-
-Don't be Clingy, I hate it when someone just won't leave me alone if i ask them too, I admire "Persistence" But there is a clear difference with being confident and being a pest-
( That being said Please don't also be dismissive and just stop talking to me if you have become bored with me, I won't be offended at all if you just politely turn around and say "I am not feeling like rping with you". I won't get hostile or anything. Just tell me)-
- One last thing It's not a bad thing, Just know that if you contact me, I will thoroughly look at your profile first to see if we work, That's how i usually with anticipate what's coming. So if you're one of those people who just has a picture or can't be asked to write a fairly good profile. I'd advise you impress me quickly otherwise i am likely to turn you away.-
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ READ THIS ^
So here is a quick run down of all the Alts i have, That i can remember.
Full Name: Demacooce Jr. (The Big One at Demos_Preggos is the "Original")
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2 in his original form
Weight: 250lbs in his original form
Nationality: British
Gender: Male.
Likes: Bellies, Belches, Video games, Comics, Movies, Film Making, Being around his Sister, Meeting new people.
Dislikes: Furries, Quiet, Fruit, Insects, Hippies, Artsy Fartsy Garbage, Horror movies.
Favourite food: GRAVY AND CHIPS
Full Name: Femolina
Age: Unknown (However she is somewhat older then Demo)
Height: 7'2
Weight: 300lbs
Nationality: British
Gender: Female
Likes: Her son, Being pregnant, Being Full, Belches, Bellies, Watermelons, Bacon, Digital art, Heavy metal.
Dislikes: Her Father, Her height, Her weight (Not fat enough), Furries, Male Preds, Vegetables.
Favourite food: YOU "Sval is hungry" For those of you whom like to see items and loot which can be attained when encountering Demo. Sort of like an RPG thing
How do i get these items?
You can attain any of these items via an rp with Me, I'll be able to say you have it most likely via rolling a dice or something like that, Or just picking a number or whatever. But if you get it, Then it'll change the rp up a bit wouldn't it? (Each Item is specific to a character, So to see who has owned this item, Take a look at the linked name)
Serpents Whistle(Uncommon)
Whomever carries around this whistle on their person ,whenever he is in a spot of bother or distress,can blow on it and summon Chrome_The_Snake, When carrying the whistle the user seems to have the ability to command the snake and ensure their own safety from it's hungry jaws.
VIPred card (COMMON)
"A card given out specifically to those of a highest esteemed rank at Demos_Preggos. Usually only given to those deemed worthy by Mr.Demo himself. This card will allow you to have first call on all meals, Be able to have sex with/devour any of the staff. Will give you immunity from being eaten if the event arises"
MrDemo's Hat (LEGENDARY)
"An Old dusty hat of Unknown Properties, Supposedly it is a relic from a bygone age and is rumoured to be able to gift the wearer with an exceptional amount of strange and god-like abilities. The full extent of it's power is unknown, The inside of the hat seems to just be an endless void and seems to be able to store anything you place in it. Though, Those are just stories...Right?"
Sval's Axe (EXTREMELY RARE) "An enormous axe wielded and crafted by the Ice titan queen, Sval_Child_Zuzka, Made from the strongest ice in the northern lands and has even been able to meet the challenge of Samir_Of_Balkor and left a few scrapes on his metallic hide. Only those with true might would be able to lift this weapon properly. Supposedly if their energy is right, The axe can be used to create Blizzards and Avalanches"
PokeBall! (Uncommon) "A Pokeball? Why on earth would OG_Demo be carrying around one of these? What kind of pokemon would be inside? Surely it couldn't be something rare would it? Just being in the standard ball. However knowing the way this Nexus place works it could be something wonderful! Or something... with a bite..of...bite to it."
(Image owned by Vore-Fan-Comics and will gladly be removed if requested)
Meet Femolina (Femo for short) Whom is the female version of Demo (Also the opposite on personality. Kinda..), She is also available for Rp and will have her own profile soon! Do feel free to ask about her!
----> Demo <-----
Basically, In my head the ultimate vore fantasy is to have a girlfriend/wife who eats me and keeps me inside her belly (Usually the reason for this is because we would like a child but either can’t conceive or don’t have the money). So BEFORE she does gulp me down, We stuff her to her absolute limits so then she can gain some hefty weight and have the room for me.
Once she eats me, She basically goes about in public with the façade that she is heavily pregnant, Allowing her to fufill that motherly feeling and never have an empty stomach, Whilst in private she teasingly feeds herself (Whilst I watch via a webcam she swallowed) along with wearing tight clothes and then like. (ENDO/WEIGHT GAIN/ FEEDERISM/ VORE)
Looking for: WANTS TO BE SWALLOWED SO BAD Hell you could even Approach IC so long as you're in the description of what i like. Don't be offended if I turn you down however)
-Long term rp's-
-Female Preds-
-Well written rper's. If i see just a single sentence, I'll get annoyed real fast. Unless the circumstance is reasonable-
What are my kinks?
-Unbirth Pregnancy-
-Feeder/Feedee relationships (Typically Male Feeder to Female Feedee)-
-Weight Gain This is a Must -
-Belches THIS IS A MUST-
-Sloshy Bellies-
-Same Size vore-
-Mini giantess-
-Face sitting-
-Dominant/Romantic Preds-
-Soft Vore-
-Furries (In the cases of vore, I don't mind them socially)-
-Anthros (As predators, I don't mind them socially)-
-Male Preds (Unless i am good friends with you, It's not happening)-
-Cock Vore-
-Overly fat. Like.. MegaBBW's are just a turn off-
-Planet vore/Giantess/Universe vore. It's just silly to me-