
((Profile pic is owned by me and drawn by the wonderful DoodleCatte))
((A member of Umbran_Alts))

Name: Adeline Aether
Age: 18
Height: 5' 2" -- 157cm
Alignment: Neutral Good
Likes: Making people happy, a warm bed at the inn, fighting evil!
Dislikes: Demons, monsters, greedy humans
Tastes Like: Honey

Elysian is missing again? I'm sure she'll turn up eventually. Again.
SEMI_SERPENT_GOD is missing too!? Worry not, Adeline shall find her! Eventually.


Adeline Aether is the the latest in two long and illustrious bloodlines. Her father was born into the order just like Adeline herself and his is a lineage that stretches back through generations of heroes. Her mother, meanwhile, hails from a long line of nobility. This heritage not only demands that she wield the order's most treasured artifact: An ancient, blessed sword whose name has been lost to time, but casts a spot light on the girl herself as both a warrior and her mother's heir. From a young age, Adeline was groomed to be a fine warrior and on her 17th birthday, the girl was thrust out into the world to cast down evil wherever it may take root...


Like any good knight, Adeline is a kind, helpful, and courageous lass... Well, for the most part. The truth is, that confident bravery lasts only as long as she has the upper hand in battle. Despite training all her life to be a skilled warrior, no ammount of practice can truly prepare someone for the unexpected twists and turns of true combat and, unfortunately for Adeline, she's prone to panic into error in the face of the unexpected...

Outside of her heroic duties, Adeline is generally a sweet if rather straight-laced girl. As far as Adeline is concerned, even when she's off the job, she's on the job and she tries to keep up appearances accordingly. She has a bit of a fixation on maintaining a kind, chaste, and pure image, believing that to be anything else would be a disservice to her order and the sacred blade she wields. As a result, the girl is a bit... Repressed. She has the reputation of a prude, often getting fussy at lewd remarks regardless of context and target and some have even taken to calling the girl a tsundere on account of her often prickly behavior toward those who express romantic interest in her. Beneath it all, though, Adeline faces the same urges as most other people... and then some.


General Adventuring:
Details coming soon! For now, Adeline is surprisingly durable for someone her size. She can take a beating in combat and most preds will find her bizarrely difficult to digest. However, despite her incredibly constitution, Adeline doesn't quite have the strength to match. Though largely versed in swordplay, Adeline does have some magic up her sleves such as low-level offensive light spells, mid-level healing, and protective wards.

A few possibilities~

The multiverse is a strange place where anything is possible. In one world, the girl's journey may have come to a tragic end while in another...

TheLadyTyrant - Not all heroes emerge from their ordeals tempered by the flames of conflict. Sometimes, they snap under the pressure...

TheLadyAcolyte - Adeline after happenstance brought her to the goddess of darkness. A skilled fighter who excells in dark magic. Kind of a slut...

Adelheid_Aether - Genderbend boy knight made by popular demand!

Other possibilities~

Stories of note with interesting outcomes for dear Adeline that didn't quite merit their own version of her.

Oridel - After this self-styled necromancer grew enamored with Adeline's heroics, she set out to ensure the little knight was hers and no one else's! After some vicious teasing, Ori snapped the girl up and her labyrinthine insides landed poor Adeline in a rather... icky position forevermore~ Could be worse. Probably.

Sister_Visserina - Poor Adeline spent a considerable amount of her career as a knight steering clear of Visserina. Though no one ever seemed to be harmed, rumours of the woman's appetite for cute knights ran rampant and Adeline wanted nothing to do with them! The longer Adeline avoided Visserina's hunger the greater it grew~ The priestess eventually cornered Adeline at a feast in the girl's honor. After goading the knight into a duel, a squirmy bulge settled in right where Sister Visserina always knew it belonged~ More coming soon~

Rogue's Gallery:

All heroes worth their salt have an array of baddies they tend to tangle with! Here's a few of Adeline's:
- Queen_Apidae: One of the first foes Adeline ever faced! Rumor has it this queen of bees has something to do with Adeline's honeyed flavoring... ((Character owned by me!))
- Queen_Pyre: Adeline's sworn enemy! Well, her current one, anyway. The two have worked up an intense hatred for one another that seems to be giving way to... Something else!?


Few would guess it from the sight of her, but Adeline inherited her mother's considerable appetite and keeping it under control for the sake of her public image has been a bit of a problem for the poor knight. Though Adeline can go weeks at a time hardly even thinking about it, when the cravings hit, they hit her hard... Often times, the knight soothes her hunger by swallowing watermelons whole (among other things to soother her hunger when it strikes.

Adeline rarely ever swallows anyone on account of it not being a very heroic thing to do as well as incredibly dangerous for her unlucky captive. Adeline's stomach is more caustic than most and makes short work of anything unlucky enough to be inside for too long. Fortunately for anyone unlucky enough to fall prey to Adeline, the girl's stomach is untrained. Though unable to suppress the digestive process, Adeline can't effectively hold unwilling meals down, either. It doesn't take much for Adeline's prey to give her a belly ache and, soon after, for the petite knight to lose her lunch. However, if sufficiently determined to keep her prey, Adeline has developed as certain... technique... to compensate for her lack of gastric fortitude.

Knight's Struggle:

Knight's Struggle is a simple dicegame to add some randomness and spice into meal times with Adeline! The rules are rather fast and loose and may change at player's discretion. Feel free to ask questions and make suggestions mid-scene!

General Rules

- Adeline starts the RP with 10 Stamina Points. This stamina can reduced via attack actions to a lower limit of -10. This stamina is applied as a modifier to Adeline's escape rolls. (E.g. if she rolls a 10 and has 5 stamina left, Adeline's escape total is 15)

- During the predator's post, they may perform one of two actions: Attack and Grapple.

- Attacks consist of combat maneuvers that might make Adeline tired. This can be anything from a series of attacks she has to dodge, to a disarming maneuver, to weak mind altering magic. Attacks reduce Adeline's stamina total by 1d4. If a predator attempts an attack on Adeline while they have her grappled, the grapple is automatically broken.

- Grapple! This can be the result of squeezing throat muscles, getting swished around in the predator's mouth, or really anything else you think works. During Adeline's post, both Adeline and her opponent will roll 1d20 with Adeline adding her stamina to her roll. If Adeline's total is lower than the predator's roll, the predator's grapple is a success and they may then attempt to ingest Adeline. Otherwise, she escapes.

- The Ingest action can be automatically attempted by the predator upon successfully completing a grapple on Adeline. Adeline must roll a 4 or greater to avoid being consumed. With each consecutive ingest attempt during a single, unbroken grapple, the number Adeline must roll to avoid being consumed increases by 4. (E.g. turn 1 of a grapple, she must only roll at least a 4. Turn 2, she must roll at least an 8. On turn 5, only a 20 will save Adeline and on turn 6, her fate is sealed.)

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Still primarily prey, but beware! This little snacknight has discovered her appetite~
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Much preferred by player!
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike The threat is often far more engaging than the act!
Fatality Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike In some circumstances...
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Light cooking only. Nothing fatal.
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike Goes great with dinner~
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Her order looks down on sex outside of marriage and Adeline's kind of a prude. Not to say a rare night of passion is an impossibility, though.
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike Again, for the purposes of fights
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not interested in playing with/in it, but teasing about this or observing the act can be fun.
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Tie her up if you need to~
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Adeline herself can use low to mid level healing and ward spells as well as offensive light magic.
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not outside the realm of possibility, but unlikely.
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sorry, male preds don't appeal to me, though Adeline is sexually interested in men.
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike She does like girls, too, though she wouldn't be caught dead admitting it.
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not always the sum of their parts, but they can be plenty of fun~
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Monsters, demons, the like~
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike My own posts can vary, but I always try to put effort into them.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's always fun when I don't know what her fate will be.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike Toy with her, if you must~
Full Tour Always/Love
Kidnapping Always/Love
Multiple Prey Always/Love
Fight RP Always/Love
Bladder Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ((Player will likely love you forever if you're willing to indulge this.))
Bellyaches Always/Love
Never/Dislike Adeline can be a real stubborn fighter. Best hope you can stomach her for the long haul~
Hammerspace Belly Always/Love
Role Reversal Always/Love
Never/Dislike "D-Doesn't feel so good, does it! Hope you're, urrf... C-Comfy in there, because I'm not letting you out any time soon!"
Teasing Always/Love
Perma Endo Always/Love
Object_Swallowing Always/Love
Story Driven RP Always/Love
Intestines Always/Love
Stockholm/Lima Syndrome Always/Love
Cramped, Disgusting Insides Always/Love
Regurgitation Always/Love
Royal Preds Always/Love