Height: 5' 3"
sexual Preference: Bi, leaning towards female.
Part of
When a penalty is applied to Ursula by the opponent, the same penalty is applied to that opponent.
Jun may vore any creature in her normal ways up to twice times her size.
Rule of 5%
Rolling a natural 20, gives the other person a free action. This can be a extra move in a favorable direction, or an activation of an ability. A roll of a natural 1 gives a -5 penalty to the player's next roll.
Hypnotic Pattern
If at anytime the opponent roles a 1, 2, or 3, they drop to thier knees transfixed on her patterns for one turn, this allows one free action for Ursula.
Helping Hand
If someone is voring another person where Ursula is not involved, Ursula can assist either of them A roll of 15 is needed to help. This moves the person helped an extra step of the vore, either out or in, if they win. If they lose the asist keeps them in place instead of moving down or out.
When held by an opponent, Jun may try and seduce them into her arms, and stun them with her charm. ...And maybe a her assets. If she rolls a 11 or above, it is successful. However a 10 and below caused the predator to get over anxious, and rough, and she is stunned for one turn. [Sexual attack]
Feint Attack
After a seperation, on a 13 or higher Ursula can fade away and disappear. On the next turn, they instantly grab hold the opponent, [no rolls needed]
Guard Swap
When Ursual rolls a natural 20, she takes on one of the passive abilities of the opponent, chosen at random. She takes on that ability until the end of battle or she rolls a natural 1. this can only be used twice in a battle.
After all five pokeballs have been used and broken out of, after rolling a natural 19 or 20, the opponent gets use of a Master ball. A MAster ball is a guarenteed catch if it hits. There is only one chance to escape and the pokemon gets a penalty equal to the difference between max hp and current HP.
_______ ran away
After a Pokegirl's hp drops below half, when she escapes a hold, instead of holding she may try to run away. The Pokegirl gets +3 to run away. After Two successful escape attempts, the battle is just over.
Additional Victory Conditions:
The opponent may capture her in a pokeball. Each opponent gets 5 pokeballs to use. Pokeball caputure works as below
[A hold B] -> [A throws poke ball at B] -> [B is captured, 3 chances to beat opponent rolls. Penalties below]
Stunned: -1
Below Half HP: -1 for each point below
Previous Vore attempts [at least first stage]: -3 for each attempt
Broken out of Pokeball: +3 for each escape
Vore Battle record:
Capturer - Caught me in a pokeball