Universal Details Name Vuthaiskaesthyr Meaning Black Star Woman Age 138 [appears to be 23] Species Black Dragon Abilities Acid Dragon Breath, Acid Immunity, Disease, magical sleep, and paralysis Immunity, Blind Sense, Presence [Frightful for Dragon and Demi forms, Blissful for Human], Water Breathing, Corrupt Water ![]() Normal Form Vuthaiskaesthyr is a quite imposing presence when seen. Her over all length is 31 feet. Her body and neck makes 9 feet of that length each. Her tail is 13 feet long. From shoulder to shoulder she is 5 feet wide. She stands about 7 feet high at the shoulder. Her maximum wingspan is 36 feet and they can fold down to 18 feet. She weighs a crushing 2500 lbs. But those you could find in any book you can find about black dragons. While she is in this form, she is typically hurt or low on energy. That means she is eating, and eating soon. She might also voluntarily revert to this form if she deems the target worthy of facing her full power. ![]() Demi Form This she considers her basic form. As seen in the picture above, she stands 5'7". Her wing span is down to only 10 feet, but unlike her true form, she can close her wings around her like a cloak. Having a fascination with hair, she had chosen to have long silvery hair that went down to the back of her thighs. Her purple eyes are always straight forward, not even concerning herself with what is around her at the moment. Danger leaves more traces then just sight. Her prefered clothing choice is a purple silk gown. This is bare back to allow the wings and tail to protrude from her body. In this form she has more options available to her. She can control her hair as a living weapon. Her hair is coated constantly with a acid that breaks down materials it touches not imbued with draconian energies. Her tail can also split into quarters to envelope prey. Finally she wields a nodaichi style sword with a two foot handle and a 4 foot blade. The blade was forged in a red dragon's breath and cooled with her own acids so only the strongest of metals survived. ![]() Human Form Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to display any dragon traits. In her human form, the only thing she keeps from her Demi form is her long hair and height. Her outfit and hair color changes to pure white. Her eyes are an innocent, yet hypnotically beautiful blue. She is in every way shape and form Human. The one exception is her hair can become acidic on command. This acid not only eats them away but it also absorbs what is digested into her hair so there is no muss of fuss on her innocent form. RP Notes Vutha is mainly a predator of Predators. She might hunt typical prey when she needs to heal or haven't eaten for days. She may prey once in a while. VoreBattleRules Passive Abilities Fight or Flight When rolling the first initiative of the battle, Vutha's form is decided on the natural roll. An Odd number has her in human form. And Even number has her as Demi. Abilities of Human form is marked by *. Abilities of the Demi are marked by #. Unmarked abilities are shared by both forms. Acid Embodied Vutha cuts all acid damage in half [rounded up] and her Acid damages ignore 1 point of acid resistance. This includes her stomach. *Blissful Presence As long as Vutha is equal to or less in health, her escape rolls get a +2. #Dragon's Resilience Vutha's max HP is increasd by 25% #Frightful Presence Vutha's mere presence can terrify weaker individuals. The opponent's rolls suffer a -2 penalty as long as Vutha has more HP. Active Abilities Acid Breath Once per battle, Vutha can exhale a cloud of acid smoke that can deal 3 points of acid damage to all those caught in it. The smoke is a 30 foot cone. Corrosive Curls Vutha can envelop the target in her hair as a digestive process. [V holds A] >> [A is enveloped half way by the hair and takes 1 acid] >> [A is enveloped fully by the hair and takes 1 damage] >> [A must roll 15 or higher to escape or takes 3 acid damage] #Hair Whip Using her hair like a clubbing weapon, if she rolls a 13 or higher, her hair hit the opponent for 1 blunt damage and 1 acid damage. *Hair Slam When she has her opponent enveloped in her hair, she can forgo moving the opponent the next stage to slam them against the ground or some hard object to deal 3 points of damage. Specials #Vuthaisk After rolling a natural 20 while having the opponent in thier control and outside of thier body, Vutha will utilize her claws and tail to reduce the opponent's hp by 50%. *Hair Shell After rolling a natural 20, Vutha will envelope herself in her hair for three rounds. For the next three rounds, Vutha is immune to all damage until the shell is broken. The Shell has 7 HP. Each time the opponent makes contact with the shell they take 1 point acid damage. If the shell last all three turns, Vutha will emerge in her Demi form at full health. If Vutha rolls the 20 while in the process of going down a vore, the 20 does not move her back a stage and she moves forward one stage every round since she isn't trying to escape yet. |