
"Cap'n! Another hit to the ship and we'll sink!" "Nonsense! This ship was BUILT to survive things like this, dude!" She cackles with laughter, swinging on the snapped mast. "Now! Full steam ahead, and ram into them! I'm gonna pay them a visit~" She chuckles as she somersaults to the wheel, spinning it violently into the side of the enemy's ship, jumping on board. "Sorry to intrude~ We just needed a new ship~" She chuckles, and reloads her pistol. "This is all I need for a whole crew~" She purrs. It was true. All thirty were dead from just six bullets. She begins kicking them off the edge into the blue ocean, and beckons to her remaining crew. "C'mon! They've got fresh food!" She giggles.
Yar and what not! Yep, Yokobou is a pirate, not very great at finding her own treasure, but EXCELLENT at stealing others!~ She's around early 20s (She lost count after she lost her last calendar), with a huge appetite for life!

(OOC note, I got her name from the romaji meaning of lust ^^)

Wow! Only been one day at the park, and Yoko's already hitting it off with someone. After being introduced to the park by Blizzare, they decided to get a little frisky and now she's pregnant!

Following a recent encounter with a ditto that cost her her unborn children, she vows eternal hatred and vengeance towards this race called the 'pokemon'.

Kidnapping a certain girl called Rachelle_Dashie nearly cost her her dignity, having admitted to being a secret romance geek. Now, they seem to be getting together, maybe even as a couple!

After Miryoku decided to try and steal the cap'n's booty, she's been unbirthed and turned into her daughter!

Her ship.