((Picture does not belong to me, and will be taken down upon request. Drawn by the AMAZING Moebius))
((Notice: If I add it to the profile, then I consider it to be cannon to Amira, and will play her as such. If you would rather the rp not be cannon, then tell me so.))
Amira was born and raised in a little town of mice, called Cheeseburg. Her parents were both eaten by a naga shortly after her birth, so she never found out what her real name was. She was only spared due to the fact that her being spared is necessary to the plot :p. By the age of 8 she was familiar with every aspect of the town. When a visitor came along by the name of Amili , she happily offered to give her a tour, unaware that Cats eat mice. She was kicked out of the town because of this, and is now staying with Amili. Amira is currently 9 years old. ((can be played at any age))
Amira is very happy and trusting, often trusting someone simply if they look nice. This comes with the exception of Nagas. She is deathly afraid of all Nagas. She can usually be found either happily playing with flowers during the day, or running scared through the woods at night. She enjoys games, and loves making friends! However, even though she wont get mad if a friend suddenly eats her, she will feel betrayed.
Because she lived alone in a rayher large house, she had to learn how to fix things, and fix things quick. For example, the supports under the house started to break, and she had to get down there and fix them. Years of this have allowed her to hone this skill. Currently, she is a master of mechanics, not only able to fix but also able to build, even to the point of being able to build a robot out of a microwave and some silverware.
As stated before, she is amazing at building things. And she knows it. She has now turned her skill into a buisness. For the right pay, she will build anything her client wants, no questions asked. Of course, some inventions might take longer than others, but she allways finds a way to get the job done.
Amira has found that, for no real reason, any house that she lives in will start to fall apart aroun her. Shes not cursed, and shes not the one doing it, but it just...happenns.
Backstory: (The parts that Amira herself does not know) Amira is not an only child. She has an older sister, who ran away from home before Amira was born. This older sister was born with some of the best luck in the world. As a result, Amira herself was born cursed. Cursed with bad luck. That is what causes her houses to fall apart around her. She is unaware of this curse, but even if she did know about it, it's permanent, so nothing t be done about it anyway. (will be updated as ideas flow)
Amira has happily set up her own buisness, the nine year old now building anything for anyone no questions asked, so long as they pay. However the only things she herself buys are groceries and scrap metal for her inventions, so she has a good deal of money saved up. Over 4 million dollars, in fact! Additionally, she has built many weapons and such for different crime families and mafias, due to her no questions asked policy. Because of this, she is frequented by hit-men sent to tie up loose ends. These hit men usually get a nasty suprise when they find that this girl has a bit fo a dark side...
SHe has recently moved her house to the beach, in order to be closer to a good friend named Thylissa
Toolbelt- These are the items in Amira's toolbelt.
Phillips head screwdriver
flat head screwdriver
some scrap metal
some copper wiring
a nail gun
a tazer
some nails
a blowtorch
some magnets
some screws
some nuts and bolts
a wrench
She also wears a wristwatch, with an AI interface, her Mousie_tech
Wife - Sally_Hayes
Wife - April_Falls
Adoptive mother - Tori_Twisted
Succubus Friend~ - Shaile
Mistress - Sammi_Kala
Bio-mother (via unbirth) - Talent_Hunter
Good friend - Gerda
Sister by blood - Kiji
Updates: (I give as good as I get. If you want your interaction with Amira to show up here, then put it in your profile as well!)
3/28/14- today, Naname unbirthed Amira. Amira is now her daughter. While in her womb, Amira grew to the size of a human child, and gained C cup breasts, as well as the ability to pred things her size and larger!
4/05/14- today Amira met a girl she had met before. A few nights ago, she had met and been eaten by a strange yet cute cat girl, and she was unable to get the girl out of her head since. Tonight, she met the girl again! She confessed her love to the neko, April Falls, and found that she felt the same! The two are now happily together~
5/29/14- Today Amira was approached by a miss Tori_Twisted regarding her ad in the newspaper. Tori had come looking for an invention, but after the two started talking, and Tori accidentally hit on Amira's kink of belches, the two wound up making love together in Amiras lab. Afterwards, Amira agreed to build whatever Tori wants, free of charge. Not only that, she has also agreed to let Tori live in her house, since she could use the extra help. She modified Tori's knife to have a plasma charged blade, and also gave her a super fertility drug.
6/29/14- Today Amira met up with her dear wife April, and also happenned upon Aprils OTHER fiancee Sally_Hayes ! After exchanging a few choice words, the two looked like they were about to exchange blows, only to begin kissing each other!! Little did April know, Amira and Sally had met up a few days earlier and had a litle fun~ After that, they had planned out the little prank on April. Soon after the prank, April and Sally ganged up on poor Amira, and they wound up in one big orgy~ After THAT was done, Amira proposed to Sally! And now, the two are engaged. In addition, Amira is now pregnant with Sally's children! Puppy-mice, now THAT should be adorable! A few days after that, Amira took Sally into her home, and began teaching her how to invent and build, and even gave her her very own toolbelt.
7/21/2014- Today, Amiras soul was trapped in hell. Having been accidentally turned to dust, Amira died, her soul being trapped in hell to suffer for her sins. After an amazing rescue, led by her dear Sally, however, she escaped~!
Oddities update-
After escaping from hell, Amira found that her body was turned into a diamond which had been worn by her love sally~! Unfortunatly, this meant it was uninhabitable, so she had to remain a ghost for a while, untill she finally learned how to solidify into a flesh and blood body again~! She can now travel between the two forms at will, and while she is a ghost, only living organic mater can touch her, meaning she is allways nude
((Player is open to anything and everything, and has a special liking for belches, both post and pre vore. the best of the Alts_Of_A_Mouse ))
((picture done by Suibelly, a friend to whom i am forever thankfull ^^))

((Amira as a knocked up playboy bunny slave girl XD))

((Amira in a belly with a bunch of other awesome people, all eaten by ne awsome person for Vore Day~! x3))

((Tiny Amira on a pizza, drawn by the amazingly awesomly awsome Meobius!))

((Adorable pic drawn by the phenominal Riani!))