
i am an aspect of thehunger who was formed in the eastern reagions of the mortal realms, due to there influence i have the ability to control swarm insects and other natural events.

this god looks over the embalming process as to make sure the dead make it to the afterlife safely
unlike his counterpart he valued speed as well as care, he knew the human hand is unsteady and prone to mistake.

because of this he created a sub genome of scarab which is able to complete the embalming process in a matter minutes unlike the hours it would take for it to be done by the human hand
these were stored as guardians for the treasures of pharaohs as they can be stored in millions.

perma prey

erin from MealOfTheDay was exploring tunnels in a newly discovered area of the pyramids of giza, as she was trying to understand the worfing which covred the walls this was her ultimate downfall
as the curious girl further explored the ruins, she accidently stepped on a pressure plate, seperating her from the group, she had no way to escape so she explored further
as she explored further, she would come across a treasue laden room. as she explored the room she would be swarmed then mummified by a unique breed of scarabs
as she was discovered by the autorities, the door behind them began to close, she will alone no longer