2014-06-03: Chrisine_Perma was such a lovely darling that she was seduced into Anorei_collins 's latex dress and slowly massaged before being slowly absorbed in front of many fans who watched Anorei do what she does best on web cam. Perma Prey <3
I am Perfumed, Sensual, Verbose, Elegant, Passionate, Descriptive, Graceful, Intelligent, Magical, Deep, and even Poetic!
And YOU don't DESERVE me!
((My real last name, is Not "Perma". I just like perma-play enough to include it in my name here. Furthermore, I LIKE perma play, i don't swear by it or need it every time i play. Sheesh..))
This profile is a WORK IN PROGRESS understand? No? Refresh the page. something's probably changed, not that you'd care. your just here for the pictures. *òꅃó*
I'm nervous about this...
It's been suggested again and again that i create a character for my RealLife self here on Eta. So, here i am. The pics on this profile are all of me. Often taken at conventions when I'm not portraying my Furry-self as strongly. Some of these photos are taken -in- my room. Which (at the time of writing this) i still live in now.
Note: I don't take negative criticism well, it hurts. So if you have some snide sarcastic comment to share, keep it to yourself please. My heart is tender, even if i like to play rough. ❤
♥❤Convention photos❣❤♥
Miharu(Orange), Jadara(Grey/Black), & Christine Cos-playing as ThumpieBunnyEve
Just Sitting pretty at Furfright.
(I was too tired from cosplay to fuss wit makeup! meef!)
Christine Charms! Merlin Likes!
ᅟ ∇ These were taken in Christine's bedroom -during- the RP as the spandex wraith Lady_V consumed Christine_Perma'nently
2012.06.23!: Christine dared to trifle and tease the spandex wrath, Lady_V. All her flutter and kisses, precious pouting and naughty giggles earned her a quick abduction, where in she was pulled into the hungry spandex home of Lady_V's hips, mercilessly absorbed, and transformed forever into a Zentai suit, Her stretchy squirming self, desperate for escape, was splurted out in a orgasmic squirt of pleasurable seethe, spandex body flowing fast from spandex labia, piling on the floor in disheveled heap! Some days later, after the dizzy suit had been cleaned and left to dry, Lady_V returned, and slipped Christine on! Christine, Now a blank white Zentai suit tried to return the favor, attempting to absorb the mistress whom made her! Only to discover that the devious Lady_V had been in control all along! The Suits punishment is permanent absorption forever!, never to be released, a never-ending resident of Lady_V's body. Christine is permavored in the splendor of Lady_V for good!
This is Lady_V Wearing Christine. ▷
.::About Perma-Play::.
**2012.07.03,07:08:44EST [Threnody -> Christine_Perma]: (Perma-play really is the most sexy, intimate sort of encounter. It's a sign of so much more devotion to not simply want to be prey, but to want deep down inside to be ended completely...)
I adore perma play. No seriously, i love the concept of getting gobbled up forever, for good. It's driven me partially mad in trying to explore it though.. Because i don't make a lot of temp throw away characters. It means more, if I've few if no alts, and i struggle to obey a perma-play for as long as i can. But it's hard.. cause i get lonely.. i want to play with others, and then i cant...
But i think, it's still more wholesome this way. To have only a few characters at most, each with depth, detail and heart, rather then empty filler characters that are meaningless and easy to throw away. A better meal is one of content.
In reality, even waste is recycled. Here.. in Eta-Chat, the dead don't even degrade. The Eta-Chat chacter database is a graveyard of long gone characters!. So a character of mine eaten and turned to nothing, may one day resurface when utterly forgotten. Or when the pred, in good graces and happy fairwells, allows me to play once again with my once consumed character.
I respect pema, and i often change my description in great detail to reflect the end in another. I'm going to try some things, break some ground, and dig some graves! lol! i hope my effort will make all my perma-play mates happy.
I'll soon be developing some sort of perma-epitaphs folding section. (like a grave yard), with tomb-stones of sorts, Each deeply written, folding out to a page with images or logs, so to honer each pred who gobbles me up for good. ❤
I hope it will be taken as an honor, because I'll put a lot of loving time into it. Even repeatedly if able.. ♥❤ But don't be upset or scoff at me for not logging off forever. Don't turn away.. Pretty please? ❤♥
♥❤Many ways to perma play❣ ❤♥ ((Or, Just what the hop is Perma-play Anyway!?))
↙[Folding Div goes here later]
I've observed, and dreamed up quit a few ways to perma play.
This is not an official list, but I'll try to keep it both short, and comprehensive. ((Yeah right!))
Precursor: What the definition of perma-play is, right now, is very different to each person.
It's as poorly defined as the word Love. You can love your pet, love your car, love your wife, or love gardening.
but seldom do you mate with your car, spay your wife, water your pet, or fill your garden up with gasoline.
Be it vore, tf, endo, soul, erasure, petrification, or character assassination, What perma-play means to you, is very much allowed to be individual and special. But, some info's can always help expand ones ability to play. So here are some common aspects that seem to recur in various perma-players. I'll try to give them labels, as history indicates people need label things, in order to safely evolve into a state of taking them for granted. *^p^*
1 Inspiration: With this, permanent, or semi-permanent changes are made to the prey, or pred's description, usually from being inspired or immersed in each-others ever changing scene. Eta chats "Evolving Character" slider relates to this dynamic. The alteration of one or both Desc's seems to be the dominant theme post, and some times pre perma-play. This trait may stand alone post perma-play, or be seen in combination with other aspects listed below.
2 The cat came back: This is a common type. Reforming is not spoken of, Both the pred and the prey part ways post scene, and may return to each other hours days or weeks later for another scene. Often even then the details of how one was reformed are ignored and or unspoken of. If pressed for logistics, one could say, the prior scene had become non-cannon, occurred in another causality, or some story can be made up to account for the return.
3 Amnesiac Eater: A little less common. With this type, the Predator, or the prey approached has no recollection IC'ly or feigned OOC'ly of the prior event. Often reasons include, Sensibility: If it was dead, it couldn't be here, so it must have been some one else who was eaten yesterday?..
Denial: "Yesterday? I slept all yesterday!"
Dissuasion: "You must be their sibling. Relative perhaps? I think you really could be a clone... "
Delusion: "Your not supposed to be here, you were perma'ed!!"
Apprehension: "I don't usually like to play with my food -after- I've eaten it."
Sarcasm: "I'm not really into scat play."
With any of these, your chance for playing with that predator again may vary. And will usually hinge on your ability as prey, to excite the predator, beyond their concern for cannon continuity.
4 Finicky Connoisseur: (Not to be confused with Finicky "Carnosaur" which would be a Picky Meat eating Dinosaur!) With this type, once the scene is done, so is your chances of playing with them again (with that character) are fairly close to nil. Some people even choose to set the name they have consumed, onto thier eta ignore list. This is not because you (the prey) were bad or naughty, but because the predator is enforcing that you are finished, finito! Kaput! 'La 'Petite 'Mort was the end of you in their continuity, and there is no coming back! They are now off looking for a fine new partner to dine on. Perhaps one of their -other- predators will give you another nom? Otherwise let it be, and respect the Fin. ❤ Unlike the Amnesiac Eater, the Finicky Connoisseur may get agitated quickly if you attempt to persuade them to play again. So as a rule of thumb, If you going to -be- a Finicky Connoisseur, it's in my opinion that you should note such in your description, or at least at some point before, during, or after your play. And if you as prey are unsure or concerned weather your predator is a Finicky Connoisseur, Either ask, or look for the signs, such as, post-scene they no longer reply to you, log off, or never reply to your Pubs. Though it's usually fine to make an alt, and try a totally new scene with them it's important that you don't harass some one you suspect to be a Finicky Connoisseur.
5 Live-In Dinner Guest: All consuming monogamy! Even a Finicky Connoisseur can have a Live-In Dinner Guest. In this dynamic, the prey is enshrouded in a world maintained by the predator. This world may be no bigger then the 4 stomachs of a cow, or the universe inside a pony from "Shining Equestria". Indefinitely, or until the predator ends the containment, (one way or another..) the prey is a guest of the predators control. Involuntary or otherwise, for both parties. Sometimes there is a way out, some times you wouldn't want to take that way out if you found it! But in most cases, you are encouraged to have a special bond with your predator, till the end of your stay. Time devoted to your host is important, and playing with others is sometimes accepted but often discouraged.
6 The Hotel: Similar to the Live-In Dinner Guest, Some predators may let you come and go as you please, and when your stay is over, you may come out as one of their own, like family, or, waved to as parting friends. This dynamic often includes Temp-permavore, where you spend a few days with a predator, or offline, considered to be within them, before some type of reformation is simply accepted as having happened. This type of perma-play is usually friendly and lighthearted, forgiving, and popular amongst silly or toon characters, such as Kirbys and Yoshis.
7 The Domination: Will eat all your alts, and make you their puppet forever! Or, they will try to Feed you all their alts, and persuade you to control them beyond the screen! [perfect song for this "Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams"] This can be a lot of fun for both, if the parties on both sides are entirely consensual about it. If not, tension and apprehension will build for one or the other not ready to make such a commitment. It's important to note, this dizzying little dynamic is very impulsive, and sometimes promises are made that one party or the other has no way nor desire of keeping. Such things are spoken in the heat of passion to fuel or ease the desires of the opposing party. The Domination can feel a bit scarey and unsafe. Pushy subs are as unnerving as demanding Doms. But when this works out, the exchange and rush of pleasure and seduction for both sides, can be -just- as dangerous and unsafe as when it doesn't work out. It may feel like true love, And it may be, But it's also addictive, and can quickly paint you or your other into a position of commitment you don't really want to be in the next day. -This one, is my personal favorite. and i seek it out in rp as much as i can.
8 Trophy holders: Will try to instill inspiration, in hopes that you'll alter your desc for them. And they want their entry to remain there in, Even if the Events are redacted. Trophy holders try to maintain their status in your Desc, Weather they are Prey, or Pred, or just some sort of magical cat that stole your hat! They want to be recognized, in writing, by others. And theres nothing wrong with that, at all. Except, that sometimes they cant maintain the attention(maintenance) required to hold their title. To them, i remind, Trophy's need dusting. Or no one sees them sparkling and shiny, And eventually note of your deeds are swept under the rug. -With at least 3 people, I continue to be a Trophy holder. (But i have a very fluffy feather duster!❤)
9 The 2 for 1 deal: "You bring me 2 souls-prey-characters to nom, and i relinquish one of your other alts!" This idea I've only recently had the chance to invent, Where in i brought back one of her self-perma'd characters, by means of feeding 2 of her -other- characters to the all consuming artifact of the self perma'ed characters tail.. wow that's a mouthful! So skip the history and consider, A predator preoccupied with the thoughts of their current meal, and able to remember at most, what they had for dinner the night prior, might, be willing to release a soul, a body, or enough remnants of an older meal, that you could, with a priest, or a lot of luck, get your prior character, Back! But it'll cost you role play. Sometimes more then one happy-meal is necessary, but if the predator is light-hearted and jovial, you might get away with a 1 for 1 even trade *^-^*
10 ~ My head is spinning from writing 1 through 8 ! I'll carry on with more another time. Please feel free to chat me up about this stuff or pub me your in site and or opinions. As i just wrote this alone, I've had -Zero- collaboration, And could use a second or third point of view. For the moment, presume all of this is opinion, as it is just that. And presently, just my personal and there for, biased opinion. If anything, assume all this is the raveings of a lunatick trying to make heads or tales of their mess of role play experiences! Hehe ✿(/ཅ^ꐑ❁
↖[Folding Div goes here later]
[OPEN] Basicly, This means I'm desperate, And subbie/prey ish. I need a scene, please! (Any RP Desired❣ ㋡) [LFRP] I'm approachable & doing little more then waiting for your Whisper. (Priv. RP longingly Desired❣ ♥❤❥♡❣❤♥) [ ] With no icon, I am still , I'm just poking around unsure what I really want at the moment? (Please Privately RP with me❣) *^⌔^* [prey] means I'm only looking for predators or dominants. I'm likely feeling cute and playful. (Priv. or Public RP Please❣❤) [PRED] I'm feeling Dominant, I will not eat you, just control you. Victims sign on the dotted line. >;9 [IC] I'm in Role Play mode, & do not want any OOC conversations. Approach only with IC Flirting/postureing. [DND] I'm probably already in one too many RPs. I give -Everything- to the RP's i'm in. Even OOC will distract me in this mode. [OOC] I'm here just to edit my profile, read my mail, chat to a friend. I -might- be too stressed to chat, and I'm not looking to RP. [Away] I'm actually away from my pc, Or lurking, Sneek Sneek! >..> <..<
ᅟ ᅟ ᅟ [ ⇩Psst, I can make custom sliders for you too if you ask❣❤.]
CustomSliders As Prey
CustomSliders As Pred
Perma Play
I'm willing to do you in >;9
Can we at least talk about this!?!!
Feet First
My final memory of you, should be the fear in your eyes.❤
I Definitely adore wiggling in toes first!❤
Head First
Only when prefer to tickle you on the way down.❤
If we must, we must. Maybe for tickles sake?❤
Foot Fetish
Kiss my feet, Rub my feet. I'll squirm my toes in your face!❤
I like tickles and licks and rubbing, over my very clean feet & toes❣❤
Dark Covenants
Faustian pacts are the rule for any dark mage.
OOC Control
Darling, I Adore telling you what to do behind your screen
I'd love to feel your control stretch beyond IC play please❣
I do not want to see yours. I'd rather you watch mine. & Only if we've RP'ed like 100 times! :p
Blood & Pain
I can use pain if i Must, as a tool, but i Dispise it.
Please no pain or blood play? Because a little is a lot. :(
Proud to be a Furry Furry is Life
Recent Christine_Perma sightings:
Plugins useful to Eta Chat!
Supported Browsers
☝ See this? Get this plugin, and Install it❣
Then if you crash, freeze, hit BackButton, Close your browser, or for any reason lose your RP-posts / Text input / Forum-dialogs /or Email-bodies, you can just right click in the box you were typing in, and select "☥Recover Text" from the list of saved states ☥Lazarus has made! Then you'll Never ever lose your one of a kind posts, ever again❣❤
[I promise I'll work on the normal sliders soon, they are harder to save and restore then my actual profile.
2011: Ren_Redtail now officially owns Christine_Perma 's user and has taken all of her alts, every one, completely consensually, into her
form forever. Her Tail, Bust, Sex, Butt, Lips, and thighs have all
benefit from each of Christines alts, and Ren is most pleased with her
new alluring perfume scented curvature, and will not be letting her
back out ever.
Quote: "ThumpieBunnyEve: I love you Beautiful lovely soft Ren!
Since the day i first met you, I've longed to be a part of your tail,
your bust, your beautiful smile, and contribute to your glowing life!
Please yes, take all of me? all my alts into you, end me once and for
all! All of me for you to lock away, absorb all of me please! Every
last one and don't let me out! I love you pretty squirrel! And i want
to be a padded part of your body for good! The pass to my life is
yours! ?"
Ren_Redtail: "My lovely Christine, Oh she was such a sweet darling!
Now shes all done, you're a part of the lovely squirrel'ette you so
worshiped. *hugging her chest* Its the end of you, for the beauty of
me. Goodbye darling! <3 Ooo Look at me! i just Love what you do for
my curves! Mmf!! This is thanks to her see? So boisterous! Mmf! Hehe!"
With a long on going relationship, Ren has finally, fully, absorbed
all of her willing pets alts. Christine_Perma , ThumpieBunnyEve, and all whom she played as, are forever consumed
into Rens boundless curves and tail eternal. There is no going back
for her, no alts, no hope. Ren has soaked her player right up as
nutrients and plush, into a fate of bodily servitude for life,
completely off of Eta chat.
"She's all gone, in me as breast and pussy fat, *chitter-giggle!* No
out darling, ever! You make me wonderfully busty, and I love the
perfumed charm I've taken from you. No coming back, ever! I control
you now. Your home to stay, as part of me within. You may not come
back, and you'll never come out again. I love what I've gained from
transforming you, and so I'm keeping what you've become! I've given
you eternal unity inside of me, just as you begged for soo pretty! Now
thank me for ending you. Mmff? Whats that? I cant hear you silly
bosom, Tits do not talk! Hehe! Stay sweety, I love you where you are,
your all mine, on my body, forever! *squeak!* <3
2014.04.30: A Star Struck Encounter
Some little stary eyed bunny girl, eager and curious about the love-video industry, fancied and adored the sensual graces of the star Liz_Fitzsimons and made her way, to meeting her, through fan-mail and love letters. Finally, she received an interview, and came in to find only a set, with lovely 4 post bed and a remotely operated camera. Liz was trying out newly grown tails and wings for the show, and Christine was soon kissed in, slithery suckled down, and put on display in transparent tummy magics. those sensual tails huggled and tickled. so warm and smothery soft wrapped around her belly. Within Christine put on her little show, and lost herself in the warmth of unity, suckling and twitching over excited tendrils. Surrendering into her depths, dreaming of the delighted end that would follow. giving everything up, to be a part of the lovely star, and surrender into being the curves, of the queen of her industry❣ ♥❤
Threnody's Love:
'Here remains the memory of Christine, for the memory is all that remains. Her body has been offered up to a goddess of hunger and nylon, and her soul claimed from the digested flesh, harvested unto oblivion by the only person who truly understood her urges. We offer prayers that she might remain gone forever, digested once and for all like she always wanted.' ~ Christine belongs in Threnody with Love ❤
**Reminder: Permavore of Christine remains nonbinding.**-->
2012.07.03: Threnody having caught wind of Christine's unvanishing soul, has taken up the hunt to extinguish her existence from this place, that she may savor and keep for herself in permanence, the glimmering sparkle of a life, so immersed in the souls of many. And cage that spark of humanity in her own being for herself. Christine is to be undone in the nature of Threnody being once and for all.
2012.07.03: All of my alts, are now slave to Baaaabra for no reason at all! just silliness, and cause well, it's so embarrassing being a sheeps -slave-! seriously! So cause it's silly and fun i guess! mff Baaaabra! I've been naughty! Nu please not the riding crop! eee! nu not the one that leaves little red hearts! Eee!! *snap!* Ouch! ❤
2012.07.01 Christine_Perma Snuggled up to Sonya_Grey and in a all encompassing smothery hug, sank in endo, into the lovely vixen's affection absorbing chest! She disappeared forever within her warm comforting love, and as she merged with the cute cuddly girl, she began to toy and tease with her body from within. She forced the lonely mother to bind and seal Christine into her tender anthro fox body forever, under the dark pleasurable pact of an orgasmic exhibition❣ Christine now stirs at night within the vixens body, pushing her, teasing her, touching her in ways most erotic from within. Forcing her to both lactate lubricate. Leaving her swollen soar and needy to be milked by morning, -Every- morning. Sonya will ever after, be plagued by random orgasms, and dripping nipples when she thinks no one is looking. Some may think she's crazy or emotionally wounded when she begs no aloud, and falls to her knees, seemingly without reason. But she's secretly pleading with the voices in her head, for leniency from the pleasurable seductress locked snugly tight in the well spring of Sonya's motherly body. ❤
2012.06.30: Christine_Perma found herself at Choco_Leia's chocolate shop in search of some Godiva® Chocolate Liqueur, and quickly found herself enamored with the lovely clerk. She was offered a position working for the darling woman, and though more then "well off" she decided to take the position for fun. From that moment, she was led deep into the depths of Choco_Leia's employ, and met with a number of human-girl hungry choco-girls. In lusty love and veracious UB, the giving Christine was willingly gobbled up, part by part, shared amongst the pleasure hungry chocolate women. All of it Painlessly in hot gooey, wet, Sex kisses! Kisses that left converted chocolate stains where her limbs should have been. The last of the chocolate-girls, UB-snuggled Christine’s head and torso in to her sex. be squeezed changed and splashed out as chocolate milk all over the floor! The Choco-girl orgy continued reveling in their feed, and playing with each other, each sharing the juices that were the sweet and loving Christine. As their love lust cooled, so did any memory of Christine in their minds. The only signs that she ever existed can be found in the fibers of a mop. ❤ One major chocolate employee was nom'ed in the incident, lost into the hungry group so wound up by Christine's loving sweetness!
No thank you. Though I'll chat with you about it if you like.
<Pred>I feel, if your not begging me from email, you don't want to come back. Ever!</Pred><Prey>If I'm not begging you from email, then I don't deserve to come back. Ever! <3</Prey>
Oral Vore
Yes, (if pregnancy is not involved.)
Cock Vore
Both Becoming one trough TF, and being tucked Into one through CV. <3
Anal Vore
I don't like icky smells or yicky things.
Tail Vore
This goes for Hair vore too. I like it, I want it, please do ith with me? just not every-day single.