
While strolling around the Nexus, you see a small paper file on the floor and pick it up, reading the nonsense inscribed into its saliva-soaked pages.
BIRTHDAY: November 11th
ALIGNMENT:Chaotic Good.
JOB:"Professional" Criminal
HEIGHT:6'4" / 193cm
WEIGHT:170lb / 77kg
purple clothing, Purple eyes,
an X replacing his right pupil,
Sunglasses (if he can help it.)
LOVES:Banter, others enjoying themselves,
giving stuff to people he likes, entertainment.
HATES:Boredom, his right eye, nostalgia, legal jail.
FEARS:Cops, Fae spirits.
PERSONALITY: Miler is mischievous and chaotic.
He can and will; steal, infiltrate, pirate,
vandalize, destroy, and break whatever law
he wants for entertainment and avoiding boredom.
However, he is not one to harm others directly
for the sake of it, becoming deeply disheartened
if he accidentally does so.
Because of this, there are cases when he may allow himself
to be captured or gurgled for the benefit of another.
He can be easily bribed with attention and companionship,
going to great lengths to try and be a people pleaser.
This can take the form of him; gifting others
some of his possessions, not stealing from them,
undergoing any of their requests, and feeding himself
to a friendly pred without much protest.
Adversely, if he is sufficiently pissed off or insulted,
he will expeditiously act out on whatever mischief
it takes to make his aggressor feel annoyed without
actually harming them to a dangerous degree.
His sense of self preservation is at the bare minimum,
having the belief that because he's just another version
of the same multiversal entity, it doesn't matter if
he gets digested or killed. The only times he would regard
his own safety with more severity would be if someone he
finds amusing turns out to be in danger, or if living leads
to something more entertaining.

He has tried getting a diagnosis to check if he has ADHD
but the doctors kept eating him.

POWERS: Miler is capable of entering other dimensions and teleporting by
tearing reality apart in bursts of purple lightning and luminescence.
Due to this, he tends to reappear mostly fine if he's killed or digested
by another pred. This is because another Miler is wandering through
the multiverse and decides to up when the last one dies.
He can also see into multiple dimensions and pull things from them,
having what can essentially be considered an infinite bag of holding.

WEAKNESSES: His weakness though is that he's a normal human physically...
so... things can easily overpower him if they're big or wierd enough.
Any fancy maneuvers he pulls off using his teleporting can be very taxing
on his body and the only other wierd thing he's capable of is,
well, voring others around his size or maybe a little larger.
He also has a crippling fear of the Fae and police, often spacing out and trembling
when faced with anything remotely resembling them. The exact opposite is said for
being vored, and once he's inside a stomach, he enjoys riding things out... no matter
how it ends.

STRENGTH C: He's not a strong guy, but he can throw a decent punch.
ENDURANCE A: He runs a lot... like... constantly.
WILL-POWER D: He has very little mental endurance if he's gulped or seduced.
SPEED A: What he can't run from, he can teleport from... if he remembers to.
AGILITY A: He can dodge most things (He's not a bullet blitzer though.)
DEXTERITY S: He can do some sick trick-shots and sleight of hand.
INTELLIGENCE D: He takes everything at face value... He's a little stupid.
WISDOM D: Very poor self-preservation skills.
HOME: Miler has a pocket space that seems to appear anywhere
where there is a doorway or hole in his environment.
Inside it resembles an endless dark temple filled
with random things he pulls out of nowhere in his
many hijinks.
The contents of his dwellings can be found in the
And people allowed in can be found in the

ORIGIN STORY: Miler was born in a modern civilization
closely resembling real world earth. Soon enough though he got into a nasty
little habit of ACCIDENTALLY falling through reality at random
and ending up in alternate dimensions.
Infinite universes flooded his vision and left him overwhelmed physically
and mentally, paralyzing him as his body warped through the multiverse
at random in a comatose state. This only stopped when a mysterious entity
caught him during one of his jumps, taking it upon itself to tear Miler's
identity away in exchange for giving him a new pupil that acts as a filter
for the information constantly bombarding his form.
All of this happened just as he turned 18, and with his identity gone,
he turned to crime and taking whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, to
fill that void inflicted upon him in exchange for a gift he never even wanted.
He could never go back home, not truly; anywhere similar always had
slight changes or faded anomalies that made it clear it wasn't his true place
of origin, leaving him sorrowful to the point he abandoned the
prospect of returning entirely, instead opting to make a new home.
This new home would be filled with all he had ever wanted: adorned in
treasures his old life held insurmountable, friends made by his own
hand, versions of himself who underwent the same trauma, and literally
anything else he could have ever imagined! ... But he was still an empty
boy who had lost hope a long time ago, and disguised it with
relentless glee and explosive humor.
Can also be seen more extensively in the ListOfFatality
"... I guess I taste awesome apparently..."

- Demi_Thorrin lost a CV competition and got turned into a dick because of it.

TLDR, Miler is a mischevious 19 year old who loves stealing and can go anywhere
in the multiverse to end up in ANY situation
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I love being prey and thats what I assume I am unless you say otherwise, but I'm ultimately a switch.]
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Please don't bite me in half ;-;]
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I can't reform per-say. There's just another me in the multiverse who takes my place.]
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [2nd, easily first if the next 2 are not an option.]
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I like it. Not too fond of rebirths or regression though. 1st]
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [If you're looking here cause you want it, you should know his length is adjustable in size. 1st]
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [3rd tied]
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [3rd tied, I like the sleeping-bag prospect of it lmao.]
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [4th, rarely happens but just as enjoyed as the previous 5.]
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [It depends on what it is exactly. Absorption and tentacle vore are okay... and it would be a little funny if I teleported where someone was standing and they just got pulled inside my stomach XD]
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Classic.]
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Samich :>]
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I am okay with it being done to me, not so much doing it to others.]
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Offering or insinuating it may leave him flustered, but he will LOCK TF IN when the action happens.]
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I can take a hit.]
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike [If its like a bloody nose or slight bruise, its not that bad to me.]
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike [100% recyclable. You can cough up my clothes, bones, or the odd lockpick left in my pocket.]
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I am no wizard, but I can do some pretty wierd shit.]
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He'll stop himself from teleporting if whatever he's inside of turns out to be especially comfy.]
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Sometimes, in all his thrashing around and fighting, he forgets he can teleport out of there... often too late does he remember that.]
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I easily get flustered when hit on... mostly cause women are really attractive to me >->]
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Friendly fire.]
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [lamias are first place on the monster podium.]
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike [PvZ prepared me for this.]
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike [In absolutely none of my infinite variants, will I ever be into this. Attempts to engage RP involving this, or simply having your character be underaged may result in a block. ]
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I can write 3-5 long lines in 5-7 minutes on average. Maybe quicker or faster]
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike [This profile literally changes daily, sometimes to an unrecognizable degree]
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I like it, especially if it entails comedy]
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike [It doesn't matter how many times we've RP'd before, if you feel like it, you can ask and there is a likely chance I'll say yes to a rematch. (Your alts count as well.)]
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Welp, I usually spend a long time waiting to RP with others, but]
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I Like dice games.]
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike [You can ALWAYS (and I mean this with zero contradiction) A L W A Y S whisper to start an RP IC or OOC. And its a definitive way to have me read your bio :>]
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I've been getting more and more nervous about posting detailed RP in chat because of my own anxiety issues. Keep in mind I will GLADLY do it for a good partner, but I won't be at my absolute A-game or confidence T-T]
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I sometimes prefer to be private when the scene involves things like genetalia. I also probably won't be the one to engage in private (I don't wanna bug ya even if I know ya >-o)]
Age Regression Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I will consider this to be the same offense as underaged characters and drop the RP immediately.]
Perma/Temp vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike ["You know there's like... a billion of me wandering around out there right?"]
Ghosting Always/Love
Never/Dislike [My policy on ghosting is this: People can take as much time they need to write their perspective and plan things out, and I am willing to wait for them. But if it takes more than 30 minutes, I'm going to assume you left and I'll find someone else to RP with unless you return. Everyone has a reason though and I'm fine until it becomes a consistent problem.]
Saying Hi Always/Love
Never/Dislike [You don't even need to RP if you say hi, and me saying hi doesn't necessarily mean I want to RP unless I say it outright.]
Approaching friends Always/Love
Never/Dislike [This pref is for friends in particular: I definitely see you the moment you enter chat, but I won't engage in anything until you talk to me directly or speak in chat... because of past experiences of being a nuisance.]
Asking for another character Always/Love
Never/Dislike [RN I only got 4 pred-lean alts and they're all pretty similar, but if you want them over me I'm down :>]
Combat rp Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I actually really like this and hope it happens between me and some (willing) badass looking characters... especially with dice :>]
Poking Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I don't like just walking up to people and honking their chest or randomly touching them outside an NSFW rp. Even if I'm confident enough in knowing you that I consider us decent friends, I still won't do anything like that unless you told me to and we were CLOSE... mama didn't raise no felon of that nature.]
Profile Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I have recorded the amount of times I've been eaten, and the amount of times I've done the eating. If you don't want to add our RP to the tally though you can ask and I will gladly oblige :>]
Rebirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike [If you REALLY want to do this? I will only let it happen if I come out full-grown =- =]
Scenario Alts Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I think they're dope, and I like DnD because of the environments that others tell me about. Feel free to approach as one :>]