
Profile belongs to Damon_
A separate list for all my yoshi characters, organized by color. All yoshis speak english, but use (faked) accents borrowed from their favorite TV shows and video games.
Jared_Yost: A red yoshi. Rather warm, and pretty kind as well. Uses a surfer's accent and constantly talks about "hitting the waves", but Ironically, he doesn't actually surf.
(Orange): None yet
(Yellow): None yet
(Green): None yet
(Cyan): None yet
Goster Brak: A blue yoshi with a bad attitude and a love of Heavy Metal. Uses a Brooklyn accent.
(Purple): None yet
Pru_Yosh(Prudence Yos): A pink yoshi who goes barefoot most of the time, having lost her boots to a certain lakitu and not wanting to replace them until she retrieves her old ones. Uses a Canadian accent, even though she's not as nice as a true Canadian.
Woshi(Pearl White): A white yoshi. Her nickname comes from a misspeak: Calling to her, someone tried to say "White" and "Yoshi" at the same time... and she liked it. Is a big hugger and uses a Spanish accent.
Black_(?????): A mysterious black yoshi. Not much is known about "him", (Since it prefers not to speak) and those that are told are sworn to keep things a secret: Often visits the particular instance of the Yoshi's Island these other yoshis live on, and picks someone to narrate its travels as it pantomimes them.
Rodoo/Radaa Eng: Brown yoshi twins, though Radaa is more of a tannish color. Both use English accents; Rodoo's taken mostly from Monty Python, Radaa's taken mostly from Lara Croft of Tomb Raider.

Somewhat unrelated:
Nibor Elttilood: That's me! Blame Rodoo for me being a yoshi. I'm turquoise, but I don't usually use any accent...

No, you weren't seeing things; the character name WAS a different color yesterday! I try to change it daily.