
Name:Emily Armstrong
Born:August 26 2004
*Can be perma'd but please look at my Troy_Mcclure alt first*
A Second yer student of Nexus_University

Breast size: C
Body shape: hourglass
Height: 4"9

Studying: English Literature
Part of the Chess Club

Genesis Machine Mechanics:
-Thanks to her friend and NovaFoxxs daughter ikari kitsune, Emily has accsess to the genesis machine, a device that extracts resources and energy to recreate a person who died unnaturally, via digestion or other means, it is prohibitevley expensive with most people, including Emily only able to do it once, and there are conditions and drawbacks to the device such as:
*The machines do not instantly respawn the person, it takes time, sometimes a few days other times several months.
*the person linked to the machine has a chip in there arm that sends signals to an app in there phone if at any moment the chip detects the person is deceased the the app sends the acumilated data of the victims conciousness to a genesis machine via wifi, there fore if a pred can catch this person in a wifi free area, or destroy or otherwise disable her phone the digestion would be permanent. (would have to roll for this)
*alot of data goes into making a human being, uploading 24/7 data of there brain, their genome, injuries, memories sometimes it can be too much and the genesis machine will be unable to reform the person within, worse still the data of the persons mind will be corrupted and the genetic material degraded to the point a second attempt is impossible, istead of a living person, all thats left is bio matter and a a fried computure (one of us rolls a 1d100, anything below a 20 results in this)

The Story So Far:
Despite having a vore fetish and a secret burning desire to be eaten, Emily Armstrong has survived highschool. it took a lot of luck and self control but also help from her friends especially Bridgette_Woods and NovaFoxxs daughter Ikari Kitsune to help her come to terms with the vorish world she lives in and her place within it, and that place is at university, alive and undigested....for now, emily can not deny she will probally become prey, willingly or not, bit she also can not deny that she does want to live, she is not a prey slut who will just strip and get gurgled, no, emily intends to graduate uni as a person, not tit jiggle or ass fat.

to this end, emily has discovered another way to indulge her vore fetish, predation! yep turns out this teen nerd is quite a decent predator when needed and university seems like the perfect time to perfect the art and become if not an apex predator, a half decent one, of course emily knows she may end up having the tables turned on her, but she is determined to make this work, and determined not to let anyone know hoe much her body is turned on by the idea of her prey eating her!

All in all, when it comes to vore, emily is desperate to live, while having a fetish that can only be truly satitated by dying, aint that some bullshit!

When it comes to education emily decided to study english literature, always being a nerd emily has decided she would like to right the sci fi and fantasy novels she read as a schoolgirl, ignore the scenes where the moster eats the damsel, they in know way pertain to anything in emily's psych nope, not in anyway.

To keep her mind sharp emily has also decided to keep at chess, however this being uni, emily has also been exposed to clubs and pubs, the nerd feels like a fish out of water, the question is will she sink or swim?

Emily is intelligence and strategically minded, aloof and has an overly active imagination. she gets crushes rather easily and despite living in a vore casual world and having a vore fetish, seems more affected than most when someone close is eaten.

It is not uncommon to see emily walking around campus in a black thigh high skirt and pantyhose, with a snow white top, for more casual wear, tight shirts and jeans are also possible, while not one to dress too fancy when she is at a social event or clubbing tank tops and short skirts are ofter worn, emily has been also trying tank tops and jean shorts at the insitance of Ella_Gardner.

Facts about Emily:
-Her curiosity to vore has developed into a full on fetish, one she needs to control if she wants to live, or learn to reform

23/09/2021-Emily wento over to NovaFoxxs house with his daughter ikari, in order to indulge her vore curioisity with out the risk of death, she had hoped that sating her curiosity here would be the end of it, but alas that was not meant to be as when she was in the stomach she discovered her curiosity was more of a fetish, and that at least for a brief moment she wanted to be digested, emily it seems is a gut slut, which for her is a problem since she dosent really want to die, after being realeased from ikari's body and coming to her senses, the two girls talked about what emily should do, decideing she should learn self control and perhaps just to be safe find a way to reform, then emily helped ikari with her maths homework.
26/09/2021- Emily one a chess tournement and as a reward was aloud to eat the school president Hitomi_Kyokujitsu, she was excited but concerned since to her knowledge being eaten was a fatal thing, however she learned that Hitomi had the ability to reform herself and so was allowing emily to eat her, and so she did, discovering her love for being a pred as well as prey, before depositing hitomis remains in the toilet, bar her bones which she kept to aid her reformiation ((rp still in progress))
29/09/2021- Emily was walking around school today, spending her time trying to find ways to control her need to be eaten when, glancing at the plaques for new names she discovered Sophea_Kas her friends, she was shocked and horrified, she does not know what happened, but hopes she found it enjoyable
02/10/2021- Emily was in art class dealing with a problem, she had a crush on her teacher the beautifull and voluptuious Hima Phelan (CatBear) it was too much to take, she needed to eat her, she walked up to the 22 year old red panda girl and rather uncerimouniously shoved her down her throat, enjoying her breasts and rump, before going to the library to digest her in peace, by her next lesson hima was nothing but a paste and now rests in the school septic tank.
06/10/2021- Emily walked into class expecting it to be empty, howver in there was NovaFoxxs daughter ikari, with a belly full of Ella_Gardner, shocked but understanding, emily rubbed ikaris belly until ella fell asleep, after a while she left ikari to cough up her friend
07/10/2021- Emily and her friends decided to introduve NovaFoxxs daughter ikari to there predatory and aloof friend Mia_Ellis, since they wanted to hang out in a slumber party, however, ikairi accidentlyy spooked mia and was eaten and nearly digested by her, luckily a deus ex machina in the form of Daisy_Woods prevented that, Raven_Luarel later appeared to mock ikari but the friend group protected her, but it seems she wants blood.
09/10/2021- Emily took part in a sleep over at the house of Bridgette_Woods and Daisy_Woods in which she discovered the plan to go to a party ran by the queen bee Jessica_Winters, her parties are famous for casual vore, emily is unsure of her chances of survivng such an event, but cant deny, it would be exciting, even if she does not survive the ordeal.
10/10/2021- the party was really something else, emily had never been that close to vore before and before the night was done, she would get alot closer, being shoved down some posh boy's penis, it seemed emily was about to become a white goo, luckily ikari noticed her twitching legs and saved her, emily knows Daisy_Woods is gone after being digested by Jessica_Winters and feels sad for her friend Bridgette_Woods who is daisy's sister, but honestly daisy was a bitch and without her school is alot safer
31/10/2021- Emily was walking down the woods, near a river hoping to avoid being eaten by any wood monsters when she came across the clothes and id of a skinny dipping Naomi_Kleer, assuming she had been eaten already and not in hiding like she really was emily decided to help her self to her clothes, only to be suprised when naomi appeared out of the water being eaten by a cat fish, emily pulled the fish out of the water to save naomi only for that fish to be eaten by a bigger fish, emily was eventually able to save naomi, the girls are now friends.
14/12/2021- after rescuing her from a fishy end, emily invited Naomi_Kleer to her house to watch a movie, this went awry when the tension led to naomi feeding herself to emily, it nearly ended badly for naomi but luckily emily was able to vomit her out before she became mush, barely.
13/08/2022- Emily's friendship with Mia_Ellis is on the rocks now, and its all mia's fault! in preperation for emily's birthday party emily decided that to avoid tragerdy on the day to introduce her crush/maybe girlfreind Naomi_Kleer to the ditzy girl hoping to bribe mia and distract with cake and sweets, emily forgot the cakes and candy and left naomi to get them, she got stuck in the crowd and she got lectured by a teacher and when she came back...Naomi was just slush in mia's stomach, soft, gooey, liquid....dead, emily does not know what happened, did naomi try to talk to her and get eaten, did mia get hungry? what ever happened emily dragged mia by the hair and tried to get her to spit naomi up, then she tried to get the school nurse to help, but it was beyond her abilities, as far as the world was concerned Naomi was gone for good, only the best reformers could save her now and well those were expensive and impossible to get, emily slapped the shit out of mia and then after declaring her dead to her, went home to cry her eyes out, she misses naomi deeply.((scene is not perma Naomi_Kleer is till around, just not in this canon))
26/08/2022- Its emily's birthday! and her last day at nexus highschool before going to nexus university! it was a bittersweet day, for starters emily was at the hall of plaques used to commerate students who did not survive there time at the school, most of her friends gravitated torwards Daisy_Woods or Sophea_Kas two of her friends that gurgled a while back but emily prefered to sit next to Naomi_Kleers name, since she had died only recently ((again this is not a perma only in this canon is naomi tit fat)), its here thay emily learned that ikari wanted to host a birthday party and its here Mia_Ellis begged to be allowed to come, after eating mia, and ikari preventing her demise, much to emily's annoyance, the two girls agreed to be on friendly terms for the day and mia could come to the party, when emily arrived at the party everyone else was already there including mia who for the first time ever was dressed as a normal person, confusing emily who wanted to hate her, and now eat her and possibly date her? well its all a bit weird, and things certainly did not get any better when in a game of truth or dare emily was forced to admit to wanting to kiss mia and mia was dared to actually kiss her! poor emily it seems will hve to deal with some confusing emotions in uni, especially as all of her friends are living together with her.
17/06/2023- The day has finally arrived, the day emily is to move into her dorm with her friends at Nexus_University, of course her friend Mia_Ellis, who she has forgiven for the incident, forgot to pack so emily naturally helped her get ready, ignoring her budding emotions to her long time friend, they arrived just as there freind and roommate ikari kitsune's dad NovaFoxx, deciding to follow him to get beer and snacks, emily talked with the older vulpine for a bit about relationships, trying to skirt around the fact emily has a desire to be eaten, to be destroyed, that was interupted by mia being chastised by a lynx woman, and the sight of TheRecycler chowing down on some poor girl, of course the thought of being converted to slime and pearls on her first night a university made emily bite her lip in desire, as they returned to the dorm and had a party, emily hung out with mia, and hoped she would not lose herself and her life here.
12/01/2024- So far Emily has been having an intresting time at nexus university, her studies are going well and miraculously she has not gotten herself digested, she is spenidng alot of time with Mia_Ellis though the two girls have not become an item yet, despite both having feelings for eachother, mia seems distracted by someone else....oh well, come winter break emily had a good time and was looking forward to the new year, until she came back to discover one of her oldest friends Ella_Gardner had been digested, her roommate Holly_Winters and her other friend Bridgette_Woods were not on speaking terms and most shockingly ikari kitsune, emily's roomate, bridgettes girlfriend, holly's friend and NovaFoxxs daughter was not on speaking terms with either bridgette or holly, what happened? its alot to take in especially poor ella, emily hopes to avoid the drama,and to this end spends most days in the library.
23/03/2024- it has been a few months since the big falling out at the basil house and the death of ella, and to say things are still tense would be an understatement, her friends are no longer talking to eachother, and the Mia_Ellis seems to be more intrested in NovaFoxx still, this is what was going through emily's head when she bumped into Cassie_Greene while staring at said novafoxx, its here she came up with a plan, and convinced cassie to talk to nova to get him to train to be a pred, hoping cassie could either help him nuture his fatherly instincts and that way find out how to make ammends with ikari, or take a liking to cassie and leave mia to emily, but it was just as likely nova would eat cassie, which turnt her on, after goading cassie into taking a risk she went home ans studied she got a call from cassie the next day thanking her for her idea, she seemed...jazzed? emily smiled, seems her little ploy might work.
04/05/2024- emily was enjoying a stream of the famous vore tuber Rebecca_Stone indulging her fetish in a way that was safe and healthy, and totally not fuelling a self destructive desire, when lo and behold, NovaFoxx, ikari's dad should appear, turns out his time with Cassie_Greene was compelling him to feed himself to becca to show cass a thing or two, emily and bridgette watched for a bit, until bridgette left, emily very much enjoyed the show, and is glad nova survived.
20/05/2024- Emily decided to hangout with NovaFoxxs daughter, Ikari Kitsune, after watching her father on stream a couple of weeks ago, emily knew the situation at the basil house, was still.....tense, and felt ikari needed to decompress and get back to her routes as the friend making, belly stuffing fox girl she knows and loves, and so decided to introduce her to someone she met in the library a few weeks ago, and became fast friends with Mary_Kuchs, mary was a nice woman, though skittish and scared of vore (despite being a predator apparently) and so emily hoped ikair could get her out of her shell, well the introduction went as well as one could expect, ikari had accidentally caused a book corridor to inverse, and emily ended up with her face in marys crotch area, while they where both in her stomach, but after that emily was thrust into ikaris womb in a passionate romp, while mary was played with and eaten, after wards emily felt guilty, something like this had happened before, with ella and ikari, but, bridgette had approved and been their, this felt kinda like betrayal, though emily forgot that afterwards when she learned Cassie_Greene might be dating nova, leaving Mia_Ellis to herself, but at the same time, the time in ikaris womb, the thought of being unbirthed, repurposed, erased, a blank slate, made her feel good, maybe a life with mia is not what she desires anymore, maybe, just, maybe, a life is not what she wants....no, thats ridiculous, she wants to live, she wants to live...right?
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike As prey Emily is a permavore, if she dies and you cant bring her back shes gone for good, unless she finds away to reform herself.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Permavore Always/Love
Snuff Always/Love
Never/Dislike Live is full of possibility and so is death, if this character is killed by other means so be it, however vore is preferred obiviously