
Name:Mia Ellis
Born:June 2nd 2004
*Can be perma'd but please look at my Troy_Mcclure alt first*
A Second Year Student of Nexus_University

Breast size: D (thanks to Naomi_Kleer much to Emily_Armstrongs annoyance)
Body shape: hourglass
Height: 5"

Studying: Art with a minor in Dance
Part of the Dance Club

Genesis Machine Mechanics:
-Thanks to her friend and NovaFoxxs daughter ikari kitsune, Mia has accsess to the genesis machine, a device that extracts resources and energy to recreate a person who died unnaturally, via digestion or other means, it is prohibitevley expensive with most people, including Mia only able to do it once, and there are conditions and drawbacks to the device such as:
*The machines do not instantly respawn the person, it takes time, sometimes a few days other times several months.
*the person linked to the machine has a chip in there arm that sends signals to an app in there phone if at any moment the chip detects the person is deceased the the app sends the acumilated data of the victims conciousness to a genesis machine via wifi, there fore if a pred can catch this person in a wifi free area, or destroy or otherwise disable her phone the digestion would be permanent. (would have to roll for this)
*alot of data goes into making a human being, uploading 24/7 data of there brain, their genome, injuries, memories sometimes it can be too much and the genesis machine will be unable to reform the person within, worse still the data of the persons mind will be corrupted and the genetic material degraded to the point a second attempt is impossible, istead of a living person, all thats left is bio matter and a a fried computure (one of us rolls a 1d100, anything below a 20 results in this)

The Story So Far:

If you had told anyone, her freinds, teachers even parents that mia ellis, the perpetually dazed, fairy dressing girl, would not only survive her time at nexus high but that she would be going to university, they would have called you insane, but despite seeming like the perfect snack not only did Mia survive the school and is now going to university, she is also a notorious and accomplished predator in her own right!

This usually is due to the fact that mia tends to go into a weird daze and eat anyone around her without thinking, she has done it to a few friends in the past, and most notoriously, to Naomi_Kleer, crush to her friend Emily_Armstrong, the whole situation nearly killed there friendship and if not for the timely intervention of a few friends would of ended with Mia as a cup size on emily's breasts!

This event led to mia actually making an effort to change however, since she knows uni will be harder and that she will need her friends, mia has promisded to make the effort and get her eccentricities under control, to mark this change mia actually chnaged her get up, famous throughout higschool for dressing like a fairy, mia has gone to her friend Ella_Gardner for a makeover, now the young woman can be seen in tight short cut, high skirt dresses, showing her gourgous body, for the first time in her life people are describing mia as attractive, something that in the nexus can be a double edged sword.

But Mia is still mia, still prone to flights of fancy and losing control, in line with her personality she has taken art and joined the dance team and while she did promise....it is not uncommon for anyone assinged to work with mia to dissappear, it now remains to be seen if mia can pull off the unlikley again and survive university.

Mia is ditsy, silly, creative and prone to dissasociate and eat those around her.

Tight revealing dresses, with floral and fey themes, think sexy druid.

29/09/2021- Apparently mia's friend Sophea_Kas got eaten, mia cant say shes suprised but on the plus side it gave her an inspiration for a great drawning, sophea being gobbled up by an angry troll, for some reason, alot of her friends find it distastfull.
07/10/2021- Mia was just walking about the school when suddenly a big bad wolf tried to eat her, but using her strenght and plot armour mia over whelmed the beast and put her in her belly, until her friends arrived and demanded she spit them up, turns out it was ikari, NovaFoxxs daughter, who was not trying to eat her but be her friend, they invited her over to a sleep over, so mias glad she did not digest ikari.
09/10/2021- Mia was at a sleepover with her friends and ikari, who she tried to eat but two days earlier, apperently they are going to a party at Jessica_Winters place? seems like it would be a vore paety, mia wonders what that will be like? oh she knows she could die but she doubts she will.
10/10/2021- Mia enjoyed her self at the party, first of all she found a really tasty snack in the form of Molly_Rae, the cute girl was too drunk to resist, probally did not fully comprahend what was happening as she turned to mush,and Daisy_Woods became food for Jessica_Winters, daisy liked to terrify mia, so her being gone is great!.
01/11/2021- Mia and IkariKitsune, NovaFoxxs daughter danced together and discussed who should go in whos belly, of course mia one that discussion eating ikari with ease, though unlike last time she was able to hold off digestion, kinda, though she was concerned when ikari got a little too deep into the fantasy nut alls well that ends well.
13/08/2022- today was a terrible no good really bad day for mia, and it started when a blonde girl (Naomi_Kleer) bumped into her , so being mia, she ate the cute blonde, now the girl did say something about her being friends with Emily_Armstrong but.....she was tasty and emily could not be upset if naomi was not alive to tell on her, so, for poor naomi it was, GURGLE GORP GONE, but emily saw it happen, and tried to get mia to spit her up, but nope! the girl was gunk, emily was so sad she slaped her! and declared her dead to her! and worst of all mia does not fully get why.(Naomi_Kleer is not perma, only dead in this cannon)
26/08/2022- Mia knew today was Emily_Armstrongs birthday and wanted to take part, and tried to apologise to her for eating naomi, only for every attempt to be thrown in her face, until finally emily snapped and tried to eat her! luckily NovaFoxxs daughter ikari kitsune was there otherwise mia would be pudge right now, thanks to her intervention and giving mia some hard truths, emily and mia became friends again, and mia vowed to become a better person for uni, even ditching her fairy outfit to dress like a grown up, she revealed the get up at the party, and had a blast, she played truth or dare and ended up kissing emily after emily was force to admit she wanted it,she then spent some time in ikari's guts, before going to the bathroom to wash off where she bumped into NovaFoxx in the bath, they talked about stomachs and in the end mia ate the older foxx, before spitting him back up as she went to sleep, with a muzzle round her mouth due to her habit of eating folks in her sleep, mia is thankfull for her friends.
17/06/2023- Today was the day! mia moved into the dorms of Nexus_University, but in typical mia fashion forgot to pack for the day, and so, Emily_Armstrong decided to help her pack, they arrived late, and bumped into NovaFoxx father of ikari there friend/roommate and decided to go with him to get beer and snacks, mia wondered off and played on the grass, where she was chastised by a lynx woman who was standing watch as sluggo TheRecycler, the universities mascot, ate a random girl, mia paid that no mind as they got the beer and went back to the dorm, where she and emily stayed close througout the whole party.
12/01/2024- Mia's time at Nexus_University has so far been interesting, mia is artistically gifted and does her work well, and her....eccentric nature is embraced by the art faculty mainly bacause most artists are seen as weirdos to some extent, she has been spending alot of time with Emily_Armstrong, as the two girls rekindle and deepen their relationship after mia ate emily's crush, mia is pretty sure emily has a crush on her, and though mia has feelings for the nerdy girl she also has a thing for NovaFoxx, mia went home for winter, and did alot of art and dancing hoping that when she came back she could enjoy time with her friends some more, only to find that impossible, at least for one of her friends Ella_Gardner was gone, digested mia owed alot to ella, her fashion, and her mostly succsessful change form weirdo to popular if unique girl was down to her, mia is currently doing a portrait of ella in her honour, she also heard nova's daughter ikari and her girlfriend and another of her friends Bridgette_Woods and Holly_Winters had a falling out over the whole situation though as to why she could not tell you.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike As prey Mia is a permavore, if she dies and you cant bring her back shes gone for good, unless she finds away to reform herself.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Permavore Always/Love
Snuff Always/Love
Never/Dislike Live is full of possibility and so is death, if this character is killed by other means so be it, however vore is preferred obiviously